Lex Brunova
Watercolor and drawing enthusiast, impressionism lover, tea addict
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Lex Brunova
added comment inProko Challenge Unexpected Superheroes - FINAL SUBMISSIONS HERE
Art supplies give us superpowers in a way. At least half of my life revolves around fountain pens these days, so it's an excellent opportunity for me to thank them for all the little sketches and massive projects. For those unaware, Pilot is a Japanese pen manufacturer, and they used to have a pen called Namiki Falcon (currently rebranded as just Pilot Falcon). So my superhero is a lady warrior named Namiki, and she's a pilot of an F-16 Falcon (makes sense, right). I incorporated the details of the pen into her garments, like the nib shape on the helmet, feed fins on the arms and legs, trim on the belt, etc. Overall I think fountain pens fit into the whole airforce aesthetic, but there had to be a sprinkle of samurai vibes as well. So not only is she a master of katana, she also creates a smoke screen with her cigarette, and flies her aircraft through it while the enemies can't see her.
Lasse Jin Brøgger
Man that looks cool. Maybe I should get me some pen from pilot and try them out.
Love this one
So cool. It's amazing what you can do with a pen. Did you use the Pilot Falcon exclusively?
Love all that detailed inking!
Asked for help
My reference, sketch and final submission for my unexpected hero, my grandma and her sidekick-my cat.
Hello everyone! I'm new here and I'm super excited to be a part of this community. Here's my submission for the challenge.
In my submission James Gurney has fallen victim to his own fantastical creation, morphing into one of his beloved dinosaurs-the triceratops.
I love dinosaurs and James Gurney is an incredible dinosaur artist so this just made sense to me. I had a lot of fun doing it. Special thanks to Proko, Ethan and the team for always providing the most fun challenges that help me break away from day to day work. #Prokochallenge
Ok..here´s my stuff..
Here is the legendary ReviewBrah turning into a hungry salamander!
Link to his channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeR0n8d3ShTn_yrMhpwyE1Q
karolina zebrowska aka “meme mom” as a red crowned crane
ethan becker as a bear sized water bear
Michael Stevens - Inq
colorpencil & watercolor
Dear Community, let me introduce you to a wild species unique to Southern California. He rises tall and gazes on the horizon, foreshadowing the future of arts and education, eyeing for talent and goodwill. He is a highly cooperative creature, always ready to stand up for students in need. I mean, look at that ear shape, that cheekbone, that playful spark in the eyes, that noble posture... No doubt, it must be him — Meershall, the High Meerkat of Arts.
Oh and hi, I'm Lex from Ukraine, and this is my first challenge submission Ever™. The illustration is quarter imperial, so slightly under A3 in size. I did lots of sketches, a preliminary drawing, and then the final piece. I love watercolor, Marshall loves watercolor, so it all made sense to me. I had a blast making it, so I hope Ethan and the community have fun viewing it, too!
This is the first submission to make me chuckle (: Love the name of your creation, as well as how smooth the transformation is.
This is so wholesome and I realllyyy hope Marshall sees this. It’s SO GOOD. The bottom geographical and anatomical studies of it give it such a cool explorer vibe too. I loooove it