miguel pineda
figuring out how to art
Gmail : lilliklik.222@gmail.com
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Marco Sordi
added comment inYoni Figure Drawing Timelapse
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2022/7/17. Good evening everybody. I've always loved borderline female characters. From Snow White's stepmother to Catwoman, from Elphaba from the musical Wiked, to the very recent Jinx from Arcane through Elsa from Frozen. I don't really know why. I find them all incredibly beautiful and strong but also very maternal and with an irresistible sensuality. Do I sound weird? However, among vampire ladies, witches and demonesses, one of my favorites is Lilith from the video game Diablo. This is a small tribute to "Benedecta Madre", Mephisto's beautiful daughter, Lilith.
Conte B, charcoal, white charcoal and charcoal powder on smooth paper 42x29 cm.
miguel pineda
amazing work! looks so sharp
Trying to find the shapes inside the form can be quite challenging. I struggle to see how they relate to each other.
Asked for help
My reference, sketch and final submission for my unexpected hero, my grandma and her sidekick-my cat.
awesome designs! , loving the judge dredd-ish looking one xD
First of all , youre worrying too much , dude chill and have fun , let loose, gesture is a great starting point in art as it helps you get a feel for your tools, get a feel for the human figure and you get to train your whole arm
There are tonnes of figure drawing models on Pinterest that aren't fully nude , and if you want a full gesture session I highly suggest new masters academy time gesture drawing sessions, the YouTube channels Gesdraw and Draw it has fantastic models too.
Hello scott,
I've been working freelance for quite some time now and I just gotta ask , how do you know your picture is finished? , I've seen pros don't really render everything and I wanna try doing that painterly look on my client work too but I'm too afraid the client would reject it as its not as "polished" to the untrained eye sometimes.
love your shapes and how simple yet complicated your works are! keep on lasso-ing c:
'Finish' consistently appears to be subjective thing for most artists I've known. I've known guys that would scoff at the idea of sharing the kind of work I create for being too rough. And I know and admire artists whose work is looser and 'rougher' than my own. This is another case where I believe it is important to attempt to get in touch with you inner sense of intuition. Your 'creative conscience' if you will. How does this thing which you have created make you feel? Do you hate it? Does it make you feel like a dishonest hack? Does it make you feel good. Strong? Proud? Ambivalent? I tend to lead from within, and I have found that approach consistently yields results that I can live with.
Hello everyone,this is my entry for the challenge.I have been feeling more productive at nigtht so I thought of doing a horror poster, it is also one of the movie genres I appreciate the most as well . I hope everyone is having fun and good luck to all participants.
(I`m sorry if something is wrong with my writing here, I`m using google translate right now)