August Proko Challenge - Unexpected Superheroes with Ryan Benjamin

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Post your process sketches and works in progress for the challenge here if you want feedback from the community.

This challenge is closed for new submissions. Congrats to all the winners!

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Zoungy Kligge
Thanks for award, guys. I appreciate it very much and enjoyed the challenge, seeing the other entries, and the feedback on the video!
Zoungy Kligge
Anyone know if the announcement date has been pushed back?
video is on YouTube
Mira Sand
I was told via email that the announcement will be today.
Chris Schmidt
and i thought i was the only one who noticed. i cant find anything either
Red speeder he came from parallel universe to our world by crossing the wrong time line and he was stucked in our world
This is another character who is also an unlikely hero. The symbol changed a bit. But ether way, he’s from my horror comic and he’s the main character.
this is a teen who wants to help people by “fixing” things. He ends up making the situation worse. But people like his presence so they let him stick around. He may not fix their problem but he can fix their day.
Burningarmadillo Elor
last one,for the series, true story a random dog enterd my house idk why but he started raiding the place,but thank god u had bella my 6month year old badger dog saved me......sooo this one comes later than i wanted it to be
Burningarmadillo Elor
Extraterrestrial forces corrupted the Earth, bringing extinction upon the human race. A small military group tried creating superhuman forces to fight the extraterrestrials. They're called the Chimera Squad and are made of humans whose DNA was genetically mutated to enhance them in many different ways. Dr Chimera His DNA is augmented in a way where he can take on any characteristic of any animal that he wishes for 24 hours. The problem is though, if he takes on their form for longer than that, the animal starts taking over his brain and his consciousness, which is why he needs to be careful.
Burningarmadillo Elor
Aaron Osofsky
Love the first two for clean powerful graphics . The intentionally limited palette, color washes, and shape distributions of the first and second images elicits a very satisfying Japanese screen printing vibe for me. Love your variation of shapes and distribution of hues in the second one, and well controlled value distribution and line in the first one!
Abdul Majeed
Super Robo Monkey Team Hyper Force Go! Comic intro scene done from Watercolor and Davy Jones too, hope you all like it guys ✌🏻 A3 size
Sebastián Flores
Process pictures of my entry. My team of unexpected superheroes. They are called "THE ANTIBODYGUARDS".
lewis xavier
Those were the steps of my creative process. I've changed a few things in the painting process
Gino Datuin
Here are the sketches and final for my submission, The Trash Puggle. Feel free to let me know what you think, and read about the backstory on the Final Submissions Thread. Take care and be safe. Gino
Benedict Azi
My reference and and my unexpected hero Sanitizer man is here to destroy every virus with the help of his syringe.
Oreo Man! Any tips? (I’m a beginner 😔🥺)
Mira Sand
I think it looks great as you are a beginner. I would suggest that you focus more on color, light and maybe later on anatomy as it's a more complex subject to really bring the life into your work.
My color pallets 😔✌🏽
Namanya Reuben
Here are progress shots and references for my submission for the unexpected heros challenge , so mine were inspired by the drawing tools that i use often my Electric Eraser , Box Cutter and my Pentel Graph gear 1000 So ill start with the leader Graphite Angel he was the one who under went the most change while i made the drawing initially you'll probably notice he didn't have wings as i was drawing i realised he was the only one that was too plain looking he didn't have something to make him stand out thus the wings then later on i noticed the hair i had originally given him made him look timid he didn't have the valor and aggression of a true leader thus the change in hair and facial features These guys exist in the picture plane dimension so Graphite Angel is pretty powerful he can create virtually anything with his mind Box cutter is the muscle of the team his ability enables him to slice through anything even the fabric of their reality from time to time he has been known to be able to travel to other dimensions because of this ability he however refrains from doing this too much as it tends to leave weak after the travels the retractable blades he has stem from his bones Electric Easer is one of the few surviving members of the Easer race his power were always hunted down and imprisoned or killed because unlike Graphite Angel who can create anything Electric easer can wipe out anything in existence by a thought so in a way he keeps Graphite Angel from going overboard I
Whoa this is incredible! Thank you for sharing your process!
Hello. Can I post more than one entry? If so, will each be reviewed? Thanks in advance.
Leandro Cabrio
I think they will post a video in the Proko channel with the review of the submissions, but not all of them get in the video. But you can mark a submission as "Ask for help" so people can give you advice and feedback.
Sebastián Flores
Yes you can post more than one, but I'm not sure about the reviewing part...
Bruh Man
So what's your favourite condom colour? Cause condom man is cummingggg. (Wip)
Aaron Osofsky
Love the handling of washes and those terrific exaggerated arms!
Bruh Man
I messed up my rendering, welp gotta make another one , design wasn't that good anyway.;(
Sebastián Flores
Amazing idea! Can we create a team or it must be only one superhero? 😁 (I mean a team in the same entry)
Kristian Nee
A team would be awesome!
Mira Sand
My reference, sketch and final submission for my unexpected hero, my grandma and her sidekick-my cat.
Amit Amliwala
I really love this, I love the paint style of this piece, it has an "UP" feeling to it
Love these process shots!
This is too cute! <3 Thank you for sharing!
Verite Temple
just to clarify its one character and not a comic strip??
Verite Temple
Awesome. I might just do 2 characters and put them together :)
Kristian Nee
It's sort of open ended! If you did wanted to do a comic strip, it's not against the rules
Klaudiusz Józefowicz
My heroes and justice, super-ciacho, snallcake and gingerbread. Unfortunately, I do not paint, so I can only send their adventures in the form of a story. The whole text is in Polish. So after the translation you can look ... funny. Here's a link:
Klaudiusz Józefowicz
If you have it somewhere, I will understand.
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