Activity Feed
I dont think I understanding things correctly
You are doing great! My feedback would be to have more confidence with setting your lines.
Rachel Dawn Owens
These look like nice simplifications of the human form to me! Nice gesture!
Final attempt. Dunno if I improved upon the last one but Im gonna move on from this
Alright, 4th attempt. This is probably the best I can get it with my current abilities
Mad 173
I think this is an excellent attempt! Each value is decently uniform and has clear distinction between each other, the only 2 which are perhaps too similar are the core shadow and the lighter shadow value- I can see you have differentiated between them clearly in the shadow but in the pears itself there is only one clear use of it just below the top section if that makes sense. The stalk is excellent 👌
Liam Gordon
It is a bit difficult to tell the value difference from the cast shadow and the values near the ambient occlusion at the bottom of the pear. That said, you differentiated the planes into clear shapes. It looks like you didn't include the core shadow (darkest shadow) in the drawing. Overall, you got the basics--simplifying shapes using clear and crisp edges.
Third attempt. Better than the others but the proportions of the eyes are off
Tom Goul
Well done. I think you nailed the concept of the lesson.
Did 2 attempts plus one in pen. I honestly can't tell if I did better on the second attempt. The proportions are worse but the shading looks better
I made 2 attempts. Not exactly sure whether the second looks better or not. Also did a pen version
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