Fractured Soul
Fractured Soul
Art & Music is my Heartbeat
Activity Feed
Fractured Soul
I mainly work in 3d, but try to draw rough sketches and ortho views as best I can, but I don't have enough perspective training yet to make my Orthos accurate. I'm looking forward to the upcoming lessons & freehanding drawn orthos! Loving all the lessons so far too!
Marshall Vandruff
Thank you Spookii Moon!
Fractured Soul
Dont know if my light source was good enough, but I was able to see and make out different shapes with 3 values.
Rachel Dawn Owens
Nice one!
Vera Robson
This assignment is so much fun! Also using translucent paper to try things out without redrawing the entire image from scratch is such an awesome idea. Curiously, it seems that in Australia the word 'vellum' is not in much use. The only 'vellum' I found in Sydney was an old pack of absolutely gorgeous Arches drawing paper. I wouldn't have noticed it if I wasn't looking for 'vellum' 😉
Fractured Soul
I love this it's so cute!
Fractured Soul
Catching up on assignments. I think my line quality is finally getting better too. I did the rest of the assignments in the course, but didn't post them in the main threads because I get anxious posting anything. I'm trying to push myself outside my comfort zone. Critique welcome.
Rachel Dawn Owens
This is great! Thanks for sharing!!
Fractured Soul
Worked on this on and off for 3 days & tried a few different designs before realizing my first batch were wrong because I instinctively converged my lines. I'm so used to converging. Finally came up with this one and like how it turned out. I also didn't have a t-square which would've made it easier, but I ordered one. I only used a ruler and triangle. Overall, I think I understand the concept of isometric now, & I'm also dyslexic which made it harder. My brain really hurts haha, but I had fun with the assignment
Fractured Soul
Struggled a bit, but finished it! I mostly used overhand grip. Had more trouble with the lighter shades.
Fractured Soul
One of my favorite artists is Hayao Miyazaki. I love how it feels so realistic. All of the ghibli films has amazing perspective. These pics are from my art of Totoro book.
Fractured Soul
I'm super excited for this course! I bought the 1994 course a few years ago and learned a lot from Marshall.
Fractured Soul
Attempted the 1 point subway from the Drawing Basics demo. I used a smaller sketchbook & struggled a bit though. Working on more 1 point rooms in my larger sketch pad.
Fractured Soul
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