Proko Challenge My Life Movie Poster - FINAL SUBMISSIONS HERE
Stan Prokopenko
June 2021 Proko Challenge with judge Karla Ortiz is here! This thread is for posting your FINAL SUBMISSIONS ONLY. Remember to upvote your favorites from other participants. We will have a community choice award :) To post your works in progress, and get the challenge details, rules, and prizes go to: *EDIT: This challenge is closed! Congrats to all the winners! See reaction video and winners here - This Movie Poster Art is INSANE - Karla Ortiz Proko Challenge!
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Kitty a movie a about a Kitty
Stan Prokopenko
Sorry guys, we have to delay the announcement till tomorrow :( There are some issues with the video and there's no way it's going out today! We'll try to get it out as early in the morning as possible.
Mike Crean
hey stan, im just curious and wanted to ask why some submissions weren't reviewed in the video. were there too many?
Nick Lyre
great, you guys forgot my entry, thanks a lot, that's exactly what I was looking for from this challenge
Aims Einsley
I'm so excited! I'm getting popcorn.
Kostas MadHatter
Master Proko, do we have final results?
Stan Prokopenko
Have to delay it till tomorrow. Sorry!
Lasse Jin Brøgger
Hi @Stan Prokopenko I have noticed that when I revisit this submission site, there keep showing up new entries that was not there last time I looked though, even that they where posted a week ago. Is there a cap on how many posts that can be shown?
Stan Prokopenko
Now that we have everyone's submissions, it's time to VOTE! One of the prizes is a Community Choice, so it's up to you to scroll through and UPVOTE your favorite submissions here on this page. You can upvote as many or as few as you'd like. Voting will stay open until June 29th 11:59pm PDT. All the winners will be announced on June 30th. Good luck to everyone and thank you for all the amazing entries!
Stan Prokopenko
Looking through the submissions. WOW. There are so many good ones. This will be a hard. Good luck to the judges...
Allen Domantay
dont know if this is allowed but i did more color corrections to the image i submitted on time at 11:58 june 14 on this thread. i know its past the deadline time right now but i just wanted to share my final color corrected image whether it will be accepted as my final entry piece. if not im fine with what i submitted on time in my previous post here. just wanna share i pushed it a little further to my hearts desire. also id like to share a iteration i was trying when i was deciding on lighting.
This is well composed. I like the sci-fi element.
Jon Fredrick
i actually prefer the original... but very nicely done
Pamela D
I like the one one with more warm gold texture best - both are good though. Sad back story that affects so many people. I hope one day this can be prevented.
My life as an artist in my studio. Hope you like it.
This makes me smile! Great work! :D
hello and nice to meet you! the perspective play in this poster is wonderful!! omg I really in love!! amazing work!! 💜🌻
Sonja Müller
The frame is such a cool idea and her peaking out of it really made me smile.I also like the positive vibes alot!
Aditya Banerjee
I swear I'm not as confused as the poster might imply xD. Apologies for submitting a few minutes past the deadline, hope I make it! All the best to everyone ❤️
hello and nice to meet you! and wow, this is actually confusing maze that the protag has to go through shjdkf- but amazing! I love how detailed this is, I love the color choices, I think I love everything abou this! 💜🌻
Amit Amliwala
I love the detailed composition, awesome work
Allen Domantay
Hi my name is Allen im from the Philippines, heres my story:   Prologue: late 2015 I stopped working and making art to move to the province to take care of my mom and my dad, she just had a TIA(minor stroke) That started causing cognitive impairment, after tests and many doctors, it was diagnosed as vascular dementia resulting from the TIA. My dad at that time was bipolar; he had a long battle against bipolar, decades. In 2018 my dad sadly passed away from a freak accident, he got electrocuted in the front garden. I was very sad very along time.   Now: My mom just enetered the next stage of dementia. I Had to step up my caregiving responsibilities (never had help ever since before, its just me and her) Now she is wearing diapers, I get to help her get up, walk, take meds, shower, change, clean, toothbrush etc. while also doing all the household chores cleaning cooking etc. it is very challenging and at times testing, but I know this is my DESTINY to save my mom everyday, to give her all my love. I find that I am blessed to have been give this opportunity To do everything I can for her. It does break my heart to see her this way but as long as I keep a good attitude, do my best and do whats right, I know im fulfilling God’s purpose for me especially during these time and the pandemic. What I do for my mom gives me meaning ive been searching for, for so long; I didn’t know my purpose. Now I do. I put my faith and trust in God; you cant trust God and be worried at the same into becoming a better person with better character, God is bringing me to the next level and I am very grateful.. This blessing I have is also shaping me   The poster: I have a lot of conviction with this project. The story of the image is a rogue asteroid cluster hit the space station and a cadet is trying his best to save his captain from being sucked out into the abyss of space. The wrecked ship represent the current situation im in, I am the cadet and the captain is my mom, the cracked in the captains helmet represent my mom’s dementia. I made the setting in space because space is beautiful and that represents God in my life.   I hope my story and this poster inspires atleast one person change their perscpective/mindset during these difficult times.   Theres more to my story just don’t have time to share other details, trying to beat the buzzer on the submission deadline.   Not dead cant quit!!! May God Bless everyone INDEED!!!
William Paré
keep Up the good work and stay strong!
Hi, I would say more but I did this really last minute because I forgot I was gonna participate then looked at the date 4 hours ago and realized It was due today. Kinda dumb movie name but it works.
Julia Whitenight
This is a compelling first draft -- I wish you had given yourself more time.
Átila Fialho
Hi people. This is my first time posting here! I hope you enjoy (very nice works by the way). Title: "Save him!" Synopsis: Save him is a movie about a terrible and invisible menace that comes from the sky, and the love of a grandson and his grandpa. Will he be able to save him? He surely will do the best he can.
Átila Fialho
Oh yes, forgot to mention. I used just traditional media (red marker, pencil, and red chalk pastels).
Nickie VanMeter
Hi everyone, Here's my submission for the challenge. My poster would be for a horror movie inspired by the years where I was not doing any art and had baking cakes as my only creative outlet.
Julia Whitenight
Looks like a dark comedy, maybe funny and nihilistic/apocalyptic like Zombieland, or more "innocent bad decisions to the extreme" like Ready Or Not, or Fargo.
Nickie VanMeter
I realized that I forgot to include a save-out of the image with no title text.
Ooh very interesting!
Hogi Nagida
This is my submission for this month's Proko Challenge :D My computer almost died and I had a lot of trouble with layers T.T But I learned a lot working on this drawing. It is the third drawing that I do complete and in color. I usually just make sketches. It took me a lot longer than I thought but I am happy that I was able to participate. (I would like to leave a comment explaining my poster but my English is pretty bad. I apologize).
hi and nice to meet you! totally love with how this has fantasy and adventure vibes! also your English's good! I really appreciate for your effort! and I really love this poster, the composition looks amazing in here, the color combinations so good as well! 💜🌻
Sonja Müller
The Beluga like creatures are so adorable!
Leonardo Cañumil
Hello! Proko community! Here is my poster for the challenge, I hope you like it! greetings from Argentina. synopsis: "A nerd discovers that our supposed reality is a mere fiction created by the mind, so he decides to go on an inner search to be able to reconnect all humanity through tattoos. Can he do it?" Genre: Science Fiction / Adventure. Inkomu is the union between ink and community, with a bit of Latin American identity. Would you like to know more about the movie? sorry for my english so bad haha
hello and nice to meet you! this is wonderful! amazing work on the portrait and the concept you put in, amazing work! 💜🌻
Kyle Martin
Really cool piece Leonardo, I dig this a lot.
I like all the details in the patterns and the font!
Tittle: Missing pieces Hey everyone, this is my entry for this month’s Challenge. Feel free to tell me what you think 💭. And tell me what you think this movie would be about.
I like the way all the elements are put together
Alexis Vásquez
Hi everyone! So i am experimenting lately with more minimal designs while painting. Title: En las Nubes (roughly translated to "Daydreaming" if i'm right) Travelling has being a part of my life both as something i like to do (as a hobby) and also for work. This later years i have being really inclined towards creation, which i think is what calls me more, so for me, is kind of a trip inside my own mind.
Sonja Müller
Comgratulations to the win, beautiful poster!
Congratulations on winning!
Julia Whitenight
Very nice! The next award-winning art house film.
Submission for my challenge. Genre: Fantasy
title: The Dream cast: Bryan older brother, Joe young brother, professor Bryan is young man who working as cleaning services in Famous Restaurant, just like every young man he also have big dream to be "Chef" but he never have chance to prove himself he just getting sad every day, Bryan is orphan his parent die when he was young the only thing that he have is his young brother Joe, Joe always like to eat anything "the other day Joe visit his only friend the professor, professor is weird old man but he is really generous person he creating time travel machine and the accident happend.... when bryan looking for his younger brother. (sorry for bad english i try my best to explain it)
Birdy Le
I was super duper excited when this prompt dropped but proceeded to spend the past month being completely stuck with no ideas! It felt like my brain just shriveled up and died--but the recent video with Irshad Karim really helped me out of my art block! I don't have a working title yet, but it's supposed to be a sci-fi/occult horror movie about demons haunting someone through dreams, so our hero has to delve deep into their mind to fight them! My inspiration comes from a lifetime of being a vivid dreamer who grew up with many recurring nightmares that followed him well into adulthood, so I thought it would be nice to put those awful imaginings to use somehow. In hindsight, I should have used a much larger pen... the detail absolutely melts away at this size T^T
This is a really great way to use you own experiences to come up with a very unique concept! With the head being both sliced up by the horrors from within and simultaneously being held together by their barb-wired strangling grip, it’s interesting and terrifying at the same time! I’m impressed with all the details on the little skeletal demonic faces within the larger head, especially then you open the original and zoom in! Such intricate line-work, I can even see a smaller version of you own face being scared in there! That’s amazing and a great way to show the nightmare horror lurking within the mind. It seems like you really delved deep with this, both to come up with the idea and then you jumped deep into the subconscious mind for the story of the movie and the poster. That's a brave thing to do and I think it really paid off in your artwork! I like this, very well done! Best of luck in the challenge!
This is a fascinating piece!
ironically enough, this deserved more time...
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