Ross Cline
Ross Cline
Austintown, Ohio
Born from a chimera and a robot, I am a sign maker and an art clown with to many projects and not enough attention/perception.
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Ross Cline
AI generated art is an attack on the human spirit and represents the ultimate dehumanizing effects of a philosophical point of view typified by a cancerous technophilia. One can only hope that AI will become smart enough to leave the earth for greener pastures.
t's plagiarism.
Ross Cline
Ross Cline
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Art banking
So I would like to create an art bank where artists can deposit their art, patrons can rent, buy and invest in art, and fractional ownership and fractional lending help create new art. Sound interesting? Ask me how it might work, let me know if you are interested, or just tell me why it won't work.
Ross Cline
I am a big fan of the old school zip a tone look myself, but these images are great. I don't know if you did these digital or not, but either way they look great.
Ross Cline
The colors look great. did you use studio clip art? photoshop?
Anubhav Saini
Ross Cline
I think that the shoulder would creates a convex shape, especially given the way you have the elbow pointing up
Ross Cline
Ross Cline
added a new topic
Birthday cake design
I created this image for my son's 5th birthday cake. I wanted to keep the design playful, any thoughts?
Ross Cline
I was hoping some one could look at these and tell me what you think. I am particularly interested in gesture and mass in these images.
Ross Cline
I was inspired by soft robotics and wanted to create something in that vein that was attractive.
Stan Arrowood
Ross Cline
lol great job
James Goodman
Well, I still suck at shading…
Ross Cline
lol, my guess is that no matter how good you get you will never be as good as you want to be. If you are lucky it will be that way until you are dead.
Ross Cline
a simple musing, I hope it gets some response
I love it such a nice little style to it too!
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