Shoulder Bone Assignment Examples -Back View
Shoulder Bone Assignment Examples -Back View
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Shoulder Bone Assignment Examples -Back View


Shoulder Bone Assignment Examples -Back View

Rick B
these are the ones I did following the video
Watercolor on bad paper, just for fun.
Hi, nice drawing, I just started with watercolor and find it quite difficult. I wish there was a course for this. Do you sometimes know a good book or other sources to learn watercolors?
Sandra Süsser
Shoulder bones back Test and study
Sarvesh Gupta
Following the demos
Nihi Sus
You know what it is
Jesper Axelsson
Nice studies! I struggled a lot with the shoulder girdle! It's tricky to draw. I attached an image with a mass conception of the scapula that I'm really happy with. Maybe it can help you when drawing it from imagination. Cheers!
John Masterton
I tried not to copy Stan's examples line for line and use my imagination more but I had to sort of glance at them to get an idea. Still trying to get my bearings in the 3d world and trying to imagine how things sit together.
Jesper Axelsson
Hi @John Masterton, nice studies! I'll do my best to help you further: - Be mindful about proportion. In most of these you're making them too large. In the bottom right the body of the scapula is too small. To keep my proportions in check I like to compare the scapula to the sternum: they are the same length. You find a proportion diagram in this video at 1:16 This might also help you get the proportions right: When I go to a new lesson in the course I always start by drawing from the 3D-model, until I can draw the bone from imagination ( not perfectly, but I have "acquainted" myself with the bone; its form and proportions ). I do this before I start finding the bones on a model. I don't know if this will help, but in a critique to another student I described how I think an artists "X-ray vision" works. I attached a screenshot Keep up the good work!
Wil Stark
I'm having a tough time finding the angle of the acromion process just by looking at the models, so I've been just extrapolating based on the angle of the scapula -- stan seems to place the acromion process so naturally, however; any tips?
Sarvesh Gupta
I am having trouble with finding acromion process too. I try to predict it on the basis of scapula or the glenoid cavity
Margaret Langston
The rest of the assignments not copies of the demos
They look really good ^^
Margaret Langston
Hi, Stan & Team: OK, so I copied all of Stan's demos - like I usually do. And then, I watched the critique. OK - point taken now. I'm not posting any of my copies any more! I do it because I've no confidence that I can come up with anything on my own. Anyway, I'm done whining. Here's MY first assignment from the reference photos. The one on the left is the mess I made without a lot of reference. The 2nd one, on the right is done with both 3D models AND Skelly. Can I get Skelly App to work on my computer? It's really hard to manipulate him on the phone. THANKS.
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Founder of Proko, artist and teacher of drawing, painting, and anatomy. I try to make my lessons fun and ultra packed with information.
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