Anatomy of the Shoulder Bones
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Anatomy of the Shoulder Bones

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Anatomy of the Shoulder Bones

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First, draw the ribcage. Then, draw the shoulder girdle on top of the ribcage. Draw around to the other side, ghosting it as it goes around. Look for angles and landmarks, and draw them as three-dimensional forms. We’ll need to master this before we include muscles. Think about it – the positions of the bones determine the shape of the muscles. When we can draw the clavicle and scapula as forms, we have the underlying structure that shapes the shoulders. Make sure to use the assignment images in the downloads tab.

sholder bones assignment images

The scapula is the most difficult one... all those bumps from the back and wrapping around the ribcage. I need to go back to do some muscle tracing actually to know whats going on. And the movement of it is another tricky part, kind of gliding everywhere. Mostly I am just guessing, and see some 3d movement videos to get a sense of it. Any tips for the movement part, coz I still cannot draw them from imagination...
Having a hard time finding the shoulder bones underneath all of the muscle and skin, feedback appreciated!
I think I made the shoulder blades too small. But the distance between the landmarks in the reference photo doesn't seem to be that big.
Sita Rabeling
The muscles look good to me. Maybe this photo helps for the scapula.
This assignment was more difficult than I thought. I’m not too happy with my drawings, I think they look too flat but I’ll move on to the next lesson
Tom Simpson
I decided to do the shoulder bones excercises as tracings in the first instance. Please let me know if you see any mistakes I am repeating!
Rachel Dawn Owens
These look awesome! You will learn so much from tracings like this
Giorgi Karkuzashvili
Consistent practice is key!
didn't really succed, I was always off from the examples given by stan. I will have to try again once I forget about the corrections
Definitely the hardest bones from the torso.
Yoyo Yang
Yoyo Yang
Any critique is welcome~ Thank you!
Quick question. Does anyone know what movement causes a posterior tilt of the scapula? The other scapulothoracic movements are clear, but this one still eludes me somewhat.
The Reference photos are in order from 1-6. I would like honest feedback please don't hold back. The front of the models for me are pretty hard especially when the Scapula's are foreshortened. I also have a difficult time with angling the Clavicles because sometimes I don't know the length of them. Also are the Scapula spines I constructed good? or could it be better, pretty difficult from foreshortened angle. Feedback needed please I need help.
It is particularly hard to figure out how to draw the scapular in simplified forms. I did some corrections after the critique video. It has been really helpful for me to spot my mistakes, but one thing I don't really understand is whether the clavicle can be lifted that high as the demonstration suggests in the #5. I tried to lifted my own shoulders and the clavicle seems to be barely moved.
Cseri Zsolt
Hi! The bottom of the scapula will move lateraly in picture #5. That will bring the spine of the scapula closer to the neck. On the model, you can clearly see the trapesius muscle. The end of it, is basicly the start of the scapula. Other than that, you should look out for proportional issues. As far as i remember, the scepula should be around 1 cranial unit, The rib cage is around 2 cranial untis. If you want to go deep in anatomy, you should also check the form of the spine of the sceupla, but i guess you can move on as well. You will always have to back to preversius lessons from time to time when you are learning. Hope it helps, have a nice day
Waner Hoogleiter
I got some problems with the construction in different perspectives, but I kinda understand the lesson
Samuel Sanjaya
I re-visit the scapula assignment. trying to test my ability to see. I do still need some work more
Keith Starkweather
Is the posterior tilt when the arm is forced back? Does ribcage need to stay still?
Amy Counsell
this assignment was super tricky. i think a frequent mistake i make is drawing the scapula too small and the ribcage to thin and elongated. if anyone could give me some pointers then it's much appreciated!
Amy Counsell
oh also the scapula is too flat, i find it hard to picture it wrapping around. ill probably do more of these practices later.
Samuel Sanjaya
Here's my submission for this assignment. It was pretty though. any feedbacks/critiques will be appreciated
Steve Lenze
Hey Samuel, The one thing I noticed in your drawing is that the scapula is not wrapping around the ribcage. You seem to be bowing it up and away from the ribcage. I did a quick sketch that I hope helps :)
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Founder of Proko, artist and teacher of drawing, painting, and anatomy. I try to make my lessons fun and ultra packed with information.
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