John Masterton
Otway Ranges
I am a market gardner in the Otways, Vic, Australia. I dream of painting and drawing well.
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John Masterton
added comment inHow to Draw Breasts Assignment Examples - Side
Hi everyone. My go at the side view of the breasts. Have a good day.
Asked for help
Hi everyone. I always feel a bit lost in all the info so any helpful feedback will be appreciated. The Breast assignment. Thankyou.
I tried not to copy Stan's examples line for line and use my imagination more but I had to sort of glance at them to get an idea. Still trying to get my bearings in the 3d world and trying to imagine how things sit together.
John Masterton
Hi everyone. Any helpful feedback very welcome. I have done the rib cage exercises and a few beans and other things.
John Masterton
Working at getting proportion happening. Just getting the bucket going is tough, but I felt like I was breaking though just a little bit
Tony Vu
Asked for help
Here are some of my better attempts at drawing the pelvis using the wireframe model. This exercise has been quite the workout for my brain. I feel that the cylinders that I base my pelvis' in are off compared to the bucket's model. Any feedback would be appreciated thanks!
Tony Vu
Asked for help
I did some more studies. Hopefully this time my lines converge like they're meant to.
All ways a challenge in many ways, relationship, proportion and clean lines but putting the pencil to paper. Yah.