How to Draw Ears – Step by Step

Mark as Completed

How to Draw Ears – Step by Step

Mark as Completed

Draw the Ears

Take a picture of your own ears or find some good photos online (get some with clear light and shadows). Follow my step-by-step lesson to complete the drawing. Rewatch the lesson to review all the anatomical details. Those take a few times to understand. Draw the ears from multiple angles

Ear studies
Vera Robson
It is useful to have the reference, so I could more or less follow the tutorial. I hope there will be more detailed explanations in the drawing course about shadow mapping and shading, it is still quite mysterious to me.
Joseph Osley
I drew 100 Ears. This took longer than I intended. I had some real-life stuff(quite the rarity). Enjoyed my time amongst these cavernous cartilages. Trying to improve my shading. Some of the different angles were hard to get. I definitely used up some erasers with these. I think the biggest challenge was the impersonal nature of the subject matter. Other features are evocative but ears, especially the unadorned variety, are not especially emotive. I think that's why I found myself dragging my feet a bit. All in all, plenty to improve upon, but happy with the practice.
Maria Bygrove
Whoa! I bet, when you close your eyes, all you can see are ears. And when you walk on the street, ears everywhere ;) But seriously, fantastic drawings. I know that ears are supposed to be unique, like finger prints, but your exercise really drove it home for me. Such glorious diversity!
Ash Chung
Wow, awesome work Joseph! You really pay attention to details.. so meticulous, i dont think i have the patience for. And super hatch work. I like the wrinkley ones.. maybe cuz they seem harder to draw, not sure. You made a very interesting point on the relationship with the ears, i've never thought of that before.
Gannon Beck
Hear hear! Brilliant!
Change To ‘Atylass’ From The Game.
21/1/2024 the last week of doing ears, next Monday I’m doing hair, so don’t expect any uploads to be posted till Tuesday, enjoy a Sunday night guys.
Change To ‘Atylass’ From The Game.
20/1/2024 Sorry for not uploading yesterday, I was completing some school work and it took up my whole day, I hope you enjoy this one!
Change To ‘Atylass’ From The Game.
18/1/2024 Hey, more ears for you dudes, I hope you guys enjoy these studies. (Good going me!)
Change To ‘Atylass’ From The Game.
17/1/2024 This seems like a good time to post another drawing, but I think I made this one with a little too much writing, hope you guys enjoyed anyway.
Change To ‘Atylass’ From The Game.
16/1/2024 I’ve finished some good drawings here, I hope you guys enjoyed this.
Change To ‘Atylass’ From The Game.
15/1/2024 Alright, I found a really great method of being able to both work at school & study within a timeframe. So I hope you guys stay tuned for more Artwork!
Change To ‘Atylass’ From The Game.
14/1/2024 hey guys, sorry for being out and gone for a bit, had to deal with school en stuff. Anyway, here’s a drawing.
Change To ‘Atylass’ From The Game.
11/1/2024 hey folks, enjoy this double upload that I really shouldn’t do too often due to school taking up my time. Cya now!
Change To ‘Atylass’ From The Game.
10/1/2024 sorry for not posting in a while. Went a little crazy with the “Art style Hunting” so I decided to go a little crazy with today’s drawings, hope you enjoy!
Gannon Beck
Fantastic work!
Change To ‘Atylass’ From The Game.
3/1/2024 Hello everyone, I wanted to draw for longer, so I decided to do another ear. I did both of them.
Change To ‘Atylass’ From The Game.
2/1/2024 Here’s another drawing, sorry for the late show up. Hope you enjoy.
Change To ‘Atylass’ From The Game.
1/1/2024 Here’s more ears, hope you enjoy it.
Change To ‘Atylass’ From The Game.
31/12/2023 Here’s the last post of the first week of drawing ears. I hope you all have a great one, and I’ll see you next time.
Change To ‘Atylass’ From The Game.
30/12/2023 Reaching the end of the year with another ear. Hope you guys enjoy.
Change To ‘Atylass’ From The Game.
29/12/2023 Here’s another study, pretty disappointed with how this came out, so I’m gonna do another one.
Change To ‘Atylass’ From The Game.
28/12/2023 Done another study of the ear, probably gonna do more later today.
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Founder of Proko, artist and teacher of drawing, painting, and anatomy. I try to make my lessons fun and ultra packed with information.
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