Figure Drawing Critiques – The Bean
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Figure Drawing Critiques – The Bean

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Figure Drawing Critiques – The Bean

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Stan Prokopenko
Critiques of students’ drawings based on the Bean lesson.
Been practicing and feel a bit comfortable with the beans more! I hope these read well :)
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These beans are beautiful
Drawing along the demonstrations. A lot of things I missed or overlooked the first time I did it. Time to move onto the critique section. so much time spent on beans loll, but I love it!
Filippo Galli
And with this, I've drawn over 100 beans in 4 days. Stupendous. Onto the next section of the course!
Melanie Scearce
That's a lot of beans! Lookin good.
These are 1 minute bean studies. Making round marks using my whole arm and not just my wrist is something I'm working on in these studies. May need to review some twist and lean examples. If anything else stands out, I'd love to hear critique
Rachel Dawn Owens
These are perfect! Only critique I might have is that you could push these beans further. Squash, pinch and, twist them till they break.
these are my 30 sec bean drawings, I would love some feedback/criticism on my beans.
Huy Vuong
Here's my take on bean gestures 2mins
Patrick Bosworth
Nice! These look great, you can really feel the squash in each one. You've made them all feel like they have real depth and volume, they seem to be moving into or out of the picture plane. Keep it up!
after watching critique
i tried looking for waist pinches and drawing the spheres around that, any advice on how im going wrong is helpful.
Jack Mills
Here are my beans, would love to hear feedback.
Brando Gould
i have to agree with @jverme2r , also a different tool like a pencil will allow you to make more soft forms of the ovals and then darken the are for the pinching, which will help you and the viewer understand the shape and form better! Good luck
I think it would be better if you express 'twist' in a little more exaggerated way
Alexia BF
My take with the Bean exercice!
Account deleted
here are my bean assignments before watching the critique video
Lynn Fang
Beans assignments before watch critiques. Not good, just to mark the level at the moment. Btw, I really appreciate these sentences of critiques of Stan: "Think of each one of these as a drawing you're going to frame and put up on a wall some where. You shouldn't just go through the motion really quickly, just to get it out of the way. If you're going to practice, do it correctly. TRY TO DO SOMETHING THAT YOU'RE GOING TO BE PROUD OF." These are medicines for me.
Did some beans. Please write what you think :-)
Lynn Fang
Great job!
Eveline Rupenko
Here are some of my beans after I've watched the critiques videos
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Here's my attempt at a bean study. I don't know how to say much. But I tried my best.
Muhammad Jacobs
Bean Study excercise, the red ones are me following the video examples. I think what Proko meant by "designing the shapes" is perhaps by distorting the bean shapes to fit the reference maybe? You can see me often flattening the top/bottom of the beans to show a contrast in angles.
Jenna Shinn
can I ask what you guys are drawing on when you're doing critiques? just out of curiosity :).
Sinéad Erin
Here's my bean sketches, critique is very welcome. :)
Chris Martin
I like these, they have nice shape. I would like to see soft construction lines underneath to add to the fullness of these volumes
Pali Espinosa
Here is the assignment, all the beans.
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Founder of Proko, artist and teacher of drawing, painting, and anatomy. I try to make my lessons fun and ultra packed with information.
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