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added comment inProject - Facial Features
Asked for help
Bruce Green
These are the best art instruction videos I've encounter in many years. Content rich with excellent b-roll embellishments, each lesson is a fun to watch. The touch of subtle humor also helps.
Are there any rules of thumb you can use for checking in your construction is in perspective? My features always end up skewed.
Any rule of thumb for identifying plane changes? I know there are value and color changes as planes change, but is there anything else we should look for when trying to identify them?
Mr. Hampton, thanks for the critique. I'm still massively struggling, and I was wondering if you had an specific suggestions for practicing?
i would say that the steps demonstrated are a great way to practice simplifying the complex subject of drawing the head, not sure if you have his other class but maybe if you looked up some basic form intersection and modification exercises of cube, sphere, pyramid, cone, etc. could be beneficial for drawing everything
rewatch lessons and try to copy what michael did, i mean copy every skull he draw. Then do exercize twice... for me worked
Jon Tharaldsen
Asked for help
Finally got the chance to catch up with this course after grinding on Stan's anatomy course for months. I decided to rekindle my childhood love for drawing in 2024 and, Michael, your constructive methods - for both the head and the figure - have been responsible for breakthroughs in my understanding of drawing as a whole.
As far as the assignment, I just kinda threw in the spiraling plane in the eye socket without much understanding - or success lol. Could you touch on this in more depth in the critique? Thank you!!!
Any critique is welcome! Also, does anyone have any tips on how to make finding the temple/side plane of the head easier?
I will also say that making the head drawings larger helps a bit too although I’ve yet to make a sphere the size of my palm but I’ve been trying to make them larger. One last critique might to keep all lines parallel with the initial tilt except the neck don’t make that parallel
I think these are getting there, nothing about this is easy unfortunately but one thing I’ve been noticing is that my perspective across the face is usually off from one side to the other but I’m hoping through repetition I will overcome this. As for finding the temple we kind of have to rely on where our ellipse meets the equatorial centre on the front of the face also just analyzing the references, he does go over this a couple times lucky for us we can rewatch these lessons until we sponge it all up.