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awesome work, ejsilapas!
Happy 4th of July!
Hi Michael and everyone, I need help with the ellipse around the eyebrow ridge & ears. In the examples below from class, my attempts at the ellipses were different than the demo's (See photos attached). I understand that the demo's ellipses are the way they are because the ear is below the brows. However, my thinking is that since the top of the head is visible in both examples, we're looking down from above. And if we're looking down, shouldn't the ellipses look like the way I drew them? I think I've been able to confirm this by finding out that this model's brows are actually higher than her ears in her front & side portraits. Let me know what you think. Perhaps I'm overthinking this when the exact look of the ellipse isn't super important... On a side note, I'm not too sure about the viewer's eye level in second portrait from class, where it seems we could be looking up her even though top of head is visible. I'm thinking maybe the eye level is somewhere between the nose & chin...What do you guys think? Often in portraits, it's hard to figure out where the eye level is.
@lieseldraws if you try Michael’s suggestion regarding imagining sunglasses on the model, the ear piece frame can help showing where the brow line tilt is oriented. The subtle tilt is challenging so I can relate!!!
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