Activity Feed
Hello ! Thank you for your course, everything so far is really complete to follow for me, and it's so good to see my progress. However, I am having a bit of a problem with the front face her. I've tried 4 times trying to get your result, but impossible, as you suggest, I went from every steps, trying to see where was my mistakes, but I don't seem to find what is wrong... The planes always end up disproportionnate and the jaw squished when I try to use thoses planes.. If anyone could take a look, I am struggling so much with this one, thank you for your time!
So I made another attempt. Things are not that symmetrical, it's maybe why it's not that good, but I think it's better?
Hello ! Thanks a lot for your courses, I think I really got better at gesture since then here is what I've done so far, I don't know if you see any major issue (I'm currently trying to get better proportions, some gestures part are just too much long or too little...)
Michael Hampton
Great. Nice sense of rhythm in these. Ya, I only noticed the proportions, which you already pointed out.
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