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added comment inProject - Learning to Sketch from Imagination
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Here's what I managed to do.. first two photos are sketches after reference photos from google ( sorry for not posting the photos too, forgot to download them ), and the next three are the fooling arounds. Can't say I'm that proud of this "imagination" of mine, it's still something somewhat scary, but this too shall pass. Thank you for the great exercise, I hope everyone had/will have fun with it!
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I like these projects a lot! The idea of having a project is so stressful but fun! Here are my results, hope you enjoy them!
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These are my attempts for this project, I did both level 1 and level 2. The shoes felt a lot more level 2 to me than the camel, but I'm sure I missed a lot of things in both, if not all of them!
Can't wait to see the demo videos and perhaps give them all another go! Hopefully will see some improvements!
Please let me know what you think, feedback is greatly appreciated!
Done after watching the demo, definite improvement compared to the before attempt. Feedback is welcome!
My second attempt at The Pear!
This is after watching the Demo video, and better understanding the assignment. Of course the video also helped in better viewing the values from the picture, which I have quite a problem with.
Feedback really appreciated!
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Here are my attempts, I haven't watched the demos or critiques yet, I will give it another go afterwards.
I wouldn't even bother looking at the portrait, I have no relationship whatsoever with drawing faces, and have a lot of trouble seeing values in general, let alone on a person's head area..
Any feedback is welcome, thank you!