Activity Feed
Boxy airplanes.
From blobs to boxes. A butcher's sink flying through space.
Turning around a basic boxy shape.
Gannon Beck
I did another session this morning before work. One and five minute gestures. This is a daily habit I've developed since the 12 Days of Proko last year. I really dig the timer tool.
Very dynamic and fluid. Superb.
This was fun and it melted my brain. I came across this wall by István Orosz and wanted to study it. On one hand it looks obvious how it's "build", but also there is something off about it. And I can't seem to figure out how to get the gap on the inside of the walls without cheating or changing the view. Because making the middle piece longer results in a longer wall or thicker walls elsewhere.
Thanks for the István Orosz reference. He has an amazing range of illusions, many of them meticulously crafted into realistically seeming objects. It seems there are people born with a great thirst for this kind of stuff - Escher, del Prete, Orosz. There must be other undiscovered artists of this type.
Tried to fit them all on one page, I hope it's not too confusing to read! I also added little notes to the side to keep me focused on certain issues I'm having. Definitely got me more used to using the new tools! The ruler and 0.05 mechanical pencil were mainly used here. I'm going to have to use the Triangle Rulers more because I don't think some of these are accurate to 60 degrees! Definitely something I need to hammer in to me in the future. I think the main problems I'm having here are consistency with line angles and proportion. I can't seem to get them consistently down, even if I do measure with the ruler. The ruler does come in handy though, and it does help with measuring proportions more accurately than by hand. That and other problems like angles of ellipses and other box angles; topics that will probably be addressed in our studies later down the line. Also tried to make a some of the boxes transparent; this really made me have to think about accurate form, but it sure made the exercise feel more challenging and fun! Also for the one at the bottom, I went and did a little peer study of one of Sandra Salem's pages. It's not accurate, but I thought the shapes she choose were so cool! Definitely need to work on accuracy, proportion, and angles as the lessons continue, but this was a really fun exercise regardless!
I like the grittiness of it, the texture. It is almost tactile.
Changing a frame into a star. The objects are, in order, possible - impossible - possible - impossible - possible.
Daniel Korolik Kogan
That's a really cool idea :3
Gloria Wickman
This looks really awesome!
Vladimir Morozov
I hope I'm not too late. Drawing separate illusions didn't seem interesting, so I threw random stuff together. Was in a bit of a rush and even though it was my drawing, I've managed to break my brain in a few places and made some mistakes.
Great invention! You have managed to pack in every illusion available. Marshall will be so happy. 😉
I have been figuring out the impossible staircase. The shape is distorted, it is longer on the right than on the left. This is due to the fact that in axonometric projection, the treads can go up or down but the risers always go up. To compensate for this, the flights of the stairs where the treads go down on paper need to have more stairs or longer treads. Nothing can be done about this...
Marshall Vandruff
You may be making us lazy, but thank you for doing that!
Vladimir Morozov
I like that you've studied it and added an explanation about how it works for lazy people like me.
1. top: impossible configuration - illusion bottom: possible configuration 2. top: when the cubes are too tightly packed together, the illusion does not work very well middle: when the cubes are separated, no illusion is possible - overlaps are needed for illusions bottom: when the cubes are just touching, the 3D effect flattens, it looks like a tiled floor pattern
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