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Pale Night
Study of proportions with the help of Gottfried Bammes’s Human Anatomy.
Nice! Also love your username ✨
Here are my submissions. I like the doddle nature of this exercise. One thing that I am scared of is repeating organic shapes over and over. I didn't think that I could draw any landscape in such a simple way. I tried to use the pancake to come up with some clouds (I love them, cloud shapes can really affect my mood for a day) instead of rocks, but it turned out to be aircraft/spaceships. I guess we could call it a happy accident? I think I need some references for the detailed version of drawing pancakes. Thx a lot, Marshall and Philip.
These look so cool!!!
Asked for help
Michael Giff
That's some grade A note taking there. Trying to find the time to convert my notes into flashcards and see if that helps me remember the proportions better.
oh i love the bridges you drew
Michael Giff
Guess I'm more of a waffle guy.XD Seriously though this was the first time I suffered from blank page disease in this class. Had the the bloody thing taped to my drafting table with a border for days. Watched the video a few times and scribbled along in a notebook and kinda of knew this was going to be a mess... but then again most of my first submissions are a mess so I'm not sure why this time I was so overly anxious about it. Any-whosie, here we are! 90 minutes of pain.... I have no clue what's going on with the interior lines when they are hanging above the horizon line. I'll be sure to watch the video again, think I'll attempt to draw along line by line with the teacher and see if that helps me out a bit. Open to any suggestions or comments.
They’re definitely looking 3D ✨
Question if anyone has time: does anyone have advice for making arches with perspective rules that cross over the horizon line?
I guess we will learn that later in the course. the X plane could be a good thing to keep in mind.
Maria Bygrove
Who knew perspective could be so much fun!
So the assignment, this time around, embodied all that I avoid drawing usually. I small little singular objects and fool myself that it's enough, but when faced with a whole scene I get overwhelmed. I am almost embarrassed to show these and to admit that it might be the first time doing a full scene, even though the art that I love most is the one that focuses on the background rather than the characters. Which means that I will have to focus on this assignment more than usual and push forward past the feeling of discomfort. That being said, I am so pleasantly surprised to see that this course also has lessons like this, that force you to create and not just learn
The last one looks so cool and dynamic! Clouds dramatically disappearing towards the sun ✨
Minqi He
Asked for help
I only remember the 8-head ratio, and I don't understand the 7.5-head ratio commonly used for female.
Oh beautiful
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