Gloria Wickman
Gloria Wickman
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Gloria Wickman
I think the hardest part for me is that I keep falling into essentially doing a quick sketch of the contour instead of really focusing on rhythms. Its a bit of a weird feeling because when I watch the demos it seems obvious what to do and then when it comes to doing it myself I keep reverting back to contour. I tried to push and push myself more and more to focus on rhythms instead, so the later drawings will look more "simple" than the first ones. I also think that my control over line quality is not good and that also contributes to the rhythms not having the smooth, flowing feeling that I'd like them to have. I think my greatest strength in these is that many of them do feel firmly grounded, which was exciting because i usually tend to draw figures that feel like they're floating. I didn't time myself strictly but I tended to go around 7 minutes per sketch and did them in several sessions.
Melanie Scearce
Wow, it sounds like you had a big breakthrough while doing these. Creating that sense of weight and groundedness is not an easy feat! See if you can let up on the pressure you're applying with your lines, at least initially. The first lines you lay down should be light and loose. There are areas on some of your drawings where you can see that you went over the same curves with multiple dark lines. These areas catch the eye and get in the way of the flow.
It's hard for me to not fall into the contour following either. It think you did a good job finding the spine curve in many of these - that'll be a helpful skill later :)
Gloria Wickman
This was such a cute assignment! I feel like focusing on the line of action and designing some shapes helped to make the seals and sea lions feel more connected to the ground somehow even though on most I didn't even draw the ground. I think my line quality is still suffering quite a bit so that's something I want to continue to work on. Also as someone that learned how to draw pretty much exclusively through grids/drawing on the right side of the brain I feel really happy at my progress with drawing from memory/imagination and this course is really helping me to unlock the kind of drawing I've always wanted to do.
Gloria Wickman
Unfortunately I wasn't able to use a paper size as big as recommended so this was done on a 9×12 sketchbook sheet. It was a fun exercise and I tried my best to stay away from drawing contour lines and focus more on straights and slight curves. I think the proportions of the face are more accurate than the cravat and shoulders which I originally wasn't going to fill in but then was having fun and decided to go for. Critiques are always very welcome!
Gloria Wickman
Wow this has been a really fun 3 weeks and I feel like already I learned a lot thanks to all these great videos and getting in some practice. I feel like it was a bit hard for me to grasp lines of action when it came to the hands and feet but I did my best to try and follow them through. I want to thank both proko and Steven Michael Hampton for this challenge, too, as it got me to try out gesture drawing for the first time. Week 3 images are below and the links will take you to my submissions for weeks one and two. Week 1 Dynamic Movement: Week 2 Static Poses:
I've learned so much from Michael over the past year! here are my week 1 drawings
Gloria Wickman
I love these and you did a great job catching the essence with just a few lines on the one minute ones.
Gloria Wickman
It took awhile for me to work though things and overall I found the animals with fur a lot more difficult to simplify as I had a harder time of deciding how to break it down into more concrete shapes. I experiments some early on with doing both super geometric and organic shapes to get a feel for it. Now that I'm posting it I realized I should have played around with showing the animals from different angles but I guess I will handle that next time lol. Thanks for taking a look!
Rachel Dawn Owens
These are great! I think the gecko drawings are my favorite. They have a lot of personality.
Gloria Wickman
This was my first time trying gesture drawing ever and it was way more fun than I anticipated. Here are my Week 1 1 minute and 5 minute sketches.
Gloria Wickman
Link to Week 2 submissions:
Gloria Wickman
Week 2 12 5 minute poses. Week 1 poses:
Changing a frame into a star. The objects are, in order, possible - impossible - possible - impossible - possible.
Gloria Wickman
This looks really awesome!
Gloria Wickman
Gosh this was definitely the most challenging assignment for me so far. I did a couple studies of Bernie Wrightson but I'm only uploading the one I thought was more successful. I really admire how much he's able to convey with line weight and had a lot of fun trying to copy it for the cloudy sky. I also did a study of Glen Keane which was fun though I still struggle to get the confident loose energy of his work. I think this assignment was both humbling and inspiring in equal measure.
Martha Muniz
Great examples chosen, as well as observations! I think with the Glen Keane study, the imitation of his confident strokes definitely is on the right track. Besides aiming with a full sweep for a line, I also think the softness and thickness of his line adds to the volume and weight of his drawing. The softness also helps when making mistakes, as you can just draw over them without them showing too much.
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