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added comment inProject - Portraits in Perspective
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gotta start drawing bigger. I think that’ll help a lot
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Went for an arcade/dive. Pretty pleased with. Gonna try touching it up with ink
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These were done practicing overhand stroke and I really liked how much that softened my line quality, which felt great for making smooth sketches. But doing finer lines was definitely harder!
and as a result the pictures are dim. Contemplating going over these with a brush pen. Definitely struggled with proportions. I enjoy this exercise though, and am looking forward to doing more
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i did a couple of these, then did some along with the demo, then did some from memory (before watching the second demo). The first ones I did I feel like I was focusing too much on the shape of the lines and the outline of the seal, and not quite enough on the rhythm throughout the seal. Demo helped with that
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Here are a bunch of studies of Peter Han’s work. I’d be curious to see his sketching work, since it feels so cast shadow dependent. By the last piece I was exploring holding the brush in a different way which I think got closer to the way his brush strokes were constructed. But I’m also wondering about the size of the original drawings, cause mine feel so much larger to be able to get the same detail. Maybe that’s just finesse with a smaller brush? Looking at the critique I feel like maybe in some pieces (eg the monkey paw) I spent too much focus on shape rather than line execution.
also face symmetry is hard!
Evan Wray
Line Master Study from Claire Wendling. Went in focusing on the girl instead of the lizard, and then gave up real hard on the lizard the further I went into it haha. Pretty happy with how she turned out despite the confusion of the claws around her. Very interesting looking at how Claire uses sharper and softer lines of similar values.
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I did these before watching the demo and I guess I kept it simpler than the ask necessarily was, while also using less exploratory lines. I’m pretty pleased with the way things landed. With the VR girl I think I could have looked a little more at rhythms.
im enjoying working in red, it does help me think of the drawing more as a sketch.
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I enjoyed drawing the boots more than I thought I would. I definitely felt more confident in my line work for the second boot after warming up with the first.
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Used pencil to lay down all the details and then just to practice I ent over it with a brush pen. Did these before watching the video, but I’m not sure I need to do them again after watching. The main difference I feel is that my blocking I did with cylinder shapes rather than outlines. Could use a better lighting picture situatuion, and I think maybe more confidence in my pencil sketch