Activity Feed
Had to take a step back for a bit. Came back extremely rusty. Very frustrating and messy but keeping at it.
individual fingers/boxes self critique L1
Some proportion issues among other things. Not feeling confident about my progress if I’m being honest.
Level 1: Once the perspective lines were in it was surprisingly difficult to draw straight horizontal lines. Has anyone else had the same issue or should I get my head checked?
Martha Muniz
Yeah, getting in straight lines can certainly pose a challenge, especially for something more precise like this perspective lay-in. I recommend continuing the warm-ups from earlier to help develop this skill Warmups to Improve Line Quality, but also, the Ghosting exercise -- where you place the start and end points as dots on the page, then practice the motion hovering over the page, before going for the final, confident stroke on the page -- can definitely be used in this drawing, too. It just takes some practice, keep at it! :)
Asked for help
Did some without the demo and some with the demo. Had many false starts and erased too much but learned a lot in the process. Focused more on getting good shapes than anything else. Line quality could be better.
Melanie Scearce
These are looking good! When you're working loosely with gesture and rhythms, it's best not to erase. I'd recommend just starting over if you're not feeling the drawing. Also, working more loosely might be good to try for this exercise, and if you haven't yet, try using the overhand grip and draw with your whole arm rather than your wrist. It will be much easier to get those rhythmic curves and straights!
A bit stiffer than I would have liked. Found myself fussing over proportions and accuracy way too often. Not terrible, in my opinion, but will have to work on loosening up.
Following along with the demo helped a bit.
Took a shot at the demo reference. Felt a bit better about this one.
It's... It's something. Went wrong somewhere with measurements and it pulled the whole left side down and to the left. Nose is too small, eyes are wonky and so on. Could be worse, but not great.
Spray Paint
I think you did an amazing job coping down the shapes it’s just a smidge narrower than the reference
Dürer, a pillow in ink. I made a mess of it. Probably not the best subject for me to tackle at this stage but it was an interesting exercise.
Thank you all for the encouraging words. I'll definitely revisit this later.
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