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added comment inProject - Simplify from Observation
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Level two✌️ assignment.
first attemp
Antonio Cabrero
good job!
Antonio Cabrero
Asked for help
Here is a before and after watching the demo.
I fixed some «mistakes» from the previous attempt, but I also found new ones. Like I get too caught up on the face detail that I get confused what is a much more important shape/plane to show. Also consistency in shading. I think I might bee pressing too softly. And major one is not just taking my time to fill in the shades.
there probably is also proportions issues but all in all I’ve learned a lot.
tips and tricks welcome!
Try to get the proportions right on the eyes most, if they are even slightly off the image looks a lot worse. You did good on the eyes. Just a note.
Also the drawing you made still looks like a person and I think that is a good start.
Antonio Cabrero
Asked for help
I attempted the Level 2. It went much better than expected.
I made several mistakes one of the most prominent ones is the use of too many soft edges. I tried to avoid it but I think I went too dark and then couldn’t correct. Or maybe not dark enough?
also the shapes in the nose aren’t clear because of that. But overall i can’t complain.
I also struggled with the eye shapes but I guess that’s more a familiarity issue. (I’m not very versed in portraiture)
tips and tricks welcome! 🤗
Antonio Cabrero
Asked for help
Note to self do not do this with a mechanical pencil. IT TAKES FOREVER!
Critique welcome!
I like the overall contour better on the first attempt but the values are better on the second one but also the core shadow on that one is a bit weird. I dont know, it just doesnt feel right
I could be that the core shadow on the second one is very thin. It feels more substantial in the first one, especially because it thickens as it moves towards the bottom where there is less light. I prefer the shape of the core shadow in the first one as well. It feels more dimensional. Both are great, keep it up 👍
Antonio Cabrero
I learned this as well from Drawabox (which im currently doing as well, on lesson 5 now)
I really love playing with lines. In Drawabox its a lot more construted than this demo. Funny because the creator of Drawabox is a student of Peter Han. Maybe it was for simplification purposes. Who knows? :)
Antonio Cabrero
Just tried to understand the perspective in a geometric way but I believe I got confused and over did it and the image looks flat. Any ideas how to better interpret this image?
I think the big difference between yours and the reference image is that you are solely using linear perspective and the other is using both atmospheric perspective (the fog) and rendering (light and shade). Yours looks decently constructed though. I don't really feel like yours is flat.
Nick Quason
Gave it a try studying rapids as well.
I found it very clear to start with ellipses then I sketched on top the supporting details. I tried to show the rounded form of water falling off the edges but it was tough. The foam was 😭
Feedback always appreciated!
Antonio Cabrero
I applied what was discussed here and I am blow away by the outcome. I used one roun brus and tried to vary the thickness and size of the elipses. I didnt have any reference, i just made something on the spot on scrap sheet of watercolor paper... WOW! this way of thinking about every day things might just be a game changer for me
Asked for help
Hello, I am Antonio. I work mainly with watercolors and landscapse as my subject. I would like to get better at creating depth with perspective. Even though I know values can help, I feel like understanding perspective better can help me place elements better in my composition, or for me to be able to picture the same scene but from a different angle that I "can´t" see or access if that makes sense.