Activity Feed
Jean-Daniel Bouvet
My final day of the proko challenge 2023, which I finished earlier this year, i've work an extra week on this painting while keeping the momentum this challenge gave me.
Jean-Daniel Bouvet
10 min + 20 min for the last 2, as usual i fix my lack of structure with gesture.
30 min + I tried to experiment more than usual, that was realy fun. I wished i had time to do more.
Jean-Daniel Bouvet
40 min +, I was only able to do one drawing and it took me twice as long, i failed most of the poses till this one.
Jean-Daniel Bouvet
20 - 30 min, I am lacking knowledge so i don't known if it's realy accurate, i tried most of the time to do gesture instead of anatomy.
Jean-Daniel Bouvet
Nearly 2 hour, I deleted the previous one and rework the head.
This was really challenging, i truly got out of my confort zone with this one.
Jean-Daniel Bouvet
I Focused on the expression rather than the head shape, and it took me 30 - 35 min... need way more practice.