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Mariyam Khaidarova
added comment inProject - Build a 1-Point Room - Level 1
Asked for help
Here are my rooms! I've always hated drawing buildings/furniture but had a great time doing this assignment. Straight lines are hard :')
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Here's my (level 1) 1-point perspective room - boxes only!
I wanted my focus during this exercise to be solely on converging all my depth (z-axis) edges to the single vanishing point (as opposed to worrying about my lines) so... I used a ruler.
I did a few preparatory thumbnail studies to choose a point of view (based on the horizon line and vanishing point placement in relation to the room / box) I liked and settled on this (above and to the left).
I will be back to do this project again freehand :D
Mariyam Khaidarova
Asked for help
First batch! It was a struggle but a fun one.
Still getting the hang of the overhand grip and just charcoal, so eh, these are messy. And so are my white kitchen table, my hands, and my slippers.
Spent ~20-30 min on each.
Would appreciate your feedback! :)
these look great. just a beginner so I can't really give you any critique on it. By simply looking I feel like the upper body in 5 and 6 don't really support the gesture as good as in your previous ones
Mariyam Khaidarova
Asked for help
Attempts number 1 and 2 respectively. Really tried to spend more time on the second one.
Excellent progress! The time you took measuring on the second one really shows! Really nice lay in, decisive line quality, clean and accurate! As with most portraits, the eye on the far side of the face is tough to judge placement, you're really really close, but I think it feels a little like it's floating off axis, and not quite set in the socket. Also the tip of the nose feels slightly pointed towards us. Both of these are easily tweaked at this stage, you can add a bit more to the far side nostril to sell more of the 3/4 turn, and check your measurements on the picture left eye. It also helps to look at your portrait in the mirror or take a picture flip the image horizontally to get a fresh view to make corrections. Keep up the great work!
Adding some of my attempts at playing with the shapes. Saiga antelopes already look so silly and alien, I wasn't quite sure what to do with their design :D
Mariyam Khaidarova
Asked for help
Working on this was super fun! It was a nice way to practice pressure control on my pencil. Hopefully, I'll be able to rely less on erasers with time.
And... My proportions were off, so I ended up with a chonkier mouse.
The energy of these mice's poses takes my mind to Redwall stories and the Mouseguard comics. Also even though you say the proportions are off, they give the mouse a body that still makes sense.
Your drawings look fantastic. Very professional. Beatrix Potter would be proud of you.
These mice are so adorable! They remind me of illustrations from picture books. And just look at that marble- it really has a sense of depth to it in all its details. I love your work!
Mariyam Khaidarova
Asked for help
Here's my attempt at Glen Keane.
Nowhere near, of course, but drawing this felt really good. I think this was the first time I forced myself to go bolder and use more energy.
Still getting the hang of those beautiful tapered strokes :')
Mariyam Khaidarova
Asked for help
Attempted the shadow and light direction method. Found the lighting in the picture a bit confusing, would really appreciate any tips to improve my drawing!
Good lines regarding lighting. ... Maybe the only place is the back side of the front-left leg. Since light falls on it from the right side, the line could be thin.