Activity Feed
The Boxes with numbers represent the numbers on the ref images. - I think I did well on the bending and stretching of the boxes and the general orientation - The angles for pelvis and shoulders are pretty decent in my opinion Questions: -Number 11 (Twisting sitting pose): How do you draw twisted boxes? It was hard to wrap my head around it - How do you determine the distance between ribcage and pelvis? How do you determine the general size relationship between them? - I already forgot but how do I place the little traingle thing above the tailbone? Generally I am really content with the ribcages. They look way better than my gestures. Would appreciate answers/feedback on my questions
Here are some of my figures with landmarks. I really had a hard time to establish the proportions for the figure. Especially the relationship between ribcage and pelvis proved quite challenging for me. Als I don't really understand how to spot the great Trochantor (The Donut Shape thing). DId I miss any of the landmarks Stan mentioned in the video? Also I have the feeling that I lack line quality. Sometimes the drawings turn out messy. too much for my taste I'll attach the other drawings as comments, just so the ref is linked to the drawing
Unfortunately I forgot the write down the reference picture but still
Cristian Reyes
this assignment really scared me haha but I got through it. It's the hardest thing Ive done so far. Hard to draw the structure when so much is hidden in the pictures and you dont really know the anatomy of the animal. Will be practicing this a lot more.
Good stuff. You executed the exercise as intended. I would take some time to work on your line quality. They look scratchy. Try to draw your lines in one go or go light on the first lines and then do a smooth darker line
Stupid me lost the reference pics. Are the forms basic enough? I had a lot of trouble attaching the limbs to the body. Hard to determine which form it was? Would appreciate some tips on that Would appreciate any feedback
First few tries before wathcing the critique. I watched the critique afterwards. I think I focused too much on outlines and not on simplifying the animals in terms of structure. Shame on me. Will retry
Zachary Mojica
My submissions for the Proko x Steven Michael Hampton Gesture challenge! Medium: ball point pen on sketchbook 9x12 Strathmore sketchbook paper.
Never seen an approach to gesture like this but it works. It's nice to look add. Sometimes I feel you might lose structure with this. like in the bottom right pose on the second image. legs look like a snowman to me
Week 3 sketches: First time drawing feet
I think you are following the contour to much. Your lines feel stiff and wobbly. You already simplified the feet but it's to much. You lose a lot of depth with simplifying to the basic shapes. use overlap in the shapes to create depth and you don't have to draw in the whole shape. This is especially apparent in number 11. Give the videos in the description a go and redo the hands and feet. Also the shading does not really add to most of the drawings since the lines are all pretty dominant. Vary with line thickness and value when drawing. I think you did this digitally. Pick a brush with size and value bound to pressure and retry some of the hands/feet. Might notice a difference
really great stuff here. Love the line quality. you added the structure while keeping the gesture in the feet and there are a few eye catcher details. Good stuff my man. love to see it
Week 3
very static hands. They look robotic. Not in a bad way but the spiderman hand loses its whole flow by being to stiff
Here are my week 3 assignments. Some of these turned out really well to my surprise. Never have done feet but there are pretty nice rhythms you can spot on them. Hands not so much for me in terms of finding rhythm. I'd appreciate if someone could help me out on one thing: I struggle a lot to find a rhythm in the fingers/toes. I usually see the big picture ie. rhythm of the knuckles or the rhythm of all toes but when it comes to designing the shapes for those, I usually end up with poor choices. I watched the dynamic shapes video by Stan. I get the approach but especially the toes look so similar that I cannot really indicate a lot of asymmetry without making it look weird. Any advice on this would be appreciated
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