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added comment inProject - Notan Master Thumbnails
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I hope i'm still in time for the sumbmission,
I'm really late for this, in the next days i'll try to do more of this Thumbnails
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Really struggling with this one, i've dona bunch, but keeping constant with the value and lay down a nice gradient was hard for me.
This are the best i think
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I've been busy these days, so i had little time for the assignment and my drawing looks messy,
I'll try to drawing more in the nex day, especially in the mannequins
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This is my attempt to the assignment, i rushed a bit the things to stay in the deadline.
In the next days i'll try again drawing from reference
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really struggled coming up with something for this assignment, but otherwise it was fun
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This was a really fun project,identify the shapes for bulding the ginger root people was quite challenging.
Maybe i should have cleaned the lines more
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In these dayss i don't have enough time to pratice, but if i can i will add some other animal before the deadline.
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after having failed the previous assignment, i went back to watch the previous lessons.
But some boxes seems still off, here's my attempt
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Spent more time on the tank than the cars, the barrels seems off, in the next days i'll try again
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these are my attempts with the level one assignment, level two seems a bit to hard for me now