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added comment inProject - Notan Master Thumbnails
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I hope i'm still in time for the sumbmission,
I'm really late for this, in the next days i'll try to do more of this Thumbnails
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Really struggling with this one, i've dona bunch, but keeping constant with the value and lay down a nice gradient was hard for me.
This are the best i think
Nice work! It's cool to see you putting in the mileage - it takes a lot of patience to create 1 value scale, let alone 4, and I can see the improvement as you move down the page.
Based on the visible pencil strokes and the way that some of your shading falls outside the lines, it does seem like you need to slow down a little bit and work on your control. Stan used the metaphor of shading like a robot in his video, which is how I like to think of it: focus on keeping your pencil pressure and the direction of your lines as consistent as possible, making the same repetitive movement over and over again, just shifting the location of your pencil slightly with each stoke. Don't be afraid to build up tone in layers - make 3, 4, 5, or even 6+ passes if you have to.
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I've been busy these days, so i had little time for the assignment and my drawing looks messy,
I'll try to drawing more in the nex day, especially in the mannequins
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This is my attempt to the assignment, i rushed a bit the things to stay in the deadline.
In the next days i'll try again drawing from reference
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really struggled coming up with something for this assignment, but otherwise it was fun
These are wonderful! Both of these buildings are perfect for this project. I appreciate your little sketches and the colors are cool.
The only adjustment I would make is a small one-
The ellipse for the ground on the first building seems a bit too narrow.
Widen it to make it match the perspective of the building.
I also added a cast shadow to the ground to make it feel more cohesive.
Overall, great work!
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This was a really fun project,identify the shapes for bulding the ginger root people was quite challenging.
Maybe i should have cleaned the lines more
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In these dayss i don't have enough time to pratice, but if i can i will add some other animal before the deadline.
These are so cool!! The linework looks great and I'm really digging the red too. Which digital programs did you use here /prefer to use for drawing?
This ant is AWESOME!! Great work, love the shape design and simplification. Careful of the cross contours on the legs and antennae, they get a little flat toward the edges of the contour, make sure to WRAP cross contours most dramatically where the contour disappears to the other side. Keep it up!
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after having failed the previous assignment, i went back to watch the previous lessons.
But some boxes seems still off, here's my attempt
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Spent more time on the tank than the cars, the barrels seems off, in the next days i'll try again
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these are my attempts with the level one assignment, level two seems a bit to hard for me now