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Kristen Budovski
added comment inDemo - Simple Animal Portraits - Level 1
The demo really helped me to better understand how to break things down into simpler shapes. The first four images are before watching the demo. I found using a piece of vellum paper first helped me to explore what shapes where hidden in the image. Then I have the two reference images I used for supplemental practice. And the last images are after watching the demo. This was a very challenging yet fun project for me.
Kristen Budovski
Asked for help
They turned out pretty similar. For hierarchy I wanted the viewer to focus on the face and horns. And as the secondary the heavy fold on the right front leg. I tried to be quite bold with the light and shadow one to really display which parts where shadowed. Perhaps too bold.
I am a level one trying the level two project for fun and dang it is difficult! I have yet to do an imagination sketch because I had a question on how I can better approach these darn feet. Any advice level two'ers?
Well I decided to move on with the imagination portion. I present ladle duck! I see I still have a long way to go in my learning but this was an extremely fun project.
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With the boots I definitely lost patience when doing the laces. I did that one first, but spent quite a bit less time on the snail. All critiques and suggestions are appreciated! Also how to scan better, since I scanned these at 300 dpi but it still seems "off" but I'm not sure why.
Nothing seems "off" to me, these look great! Perhaps the feeling is coming from how droopy the boots are. The reference was perfect for this project but I remember how droopy they felt and it gives the impression of being "off". I think it's because we are so used to seeing boots with more structure. But you have nothing to worry about, these are spot on IMO. Great job!
Used a different ref to practice extra. I feel like I understood the shapes better my second attempt. I still need to work on using light lines and focus on confident lines more. (Top is second attempt.)
Having a difficult time with loosening up and making actual sketch lines. Any advice on how to get more into that mindset?
Kristen Budovski
A bit more confidence in my lines for the second attempt. First attempt (left). Second attempt (right).
Kristen Budovski
Asked for help
I really enjoyed the camel study, but this skeleton kicked my rear.
Lost 247365
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I got carried away on the details on the Camel's teeth and eyes before I remembered the purpose of this assignment. Sorry!
Kristen Budovski
Asked for help
With the boots the sting gave me quite a bit of trouble. And the Snail is straight killing me. I am unsure how to break it down. Any suggestions would be much appreciated.