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added comment in2 Week Drawing Challenge
Day 10: the cat sat still long enough to draw him. Didn't get the proportions right yet though 😆
Brandon Brown
Asked for help
Starting back at lesson 1 after a year break and life. Energized and excited to come back. Tried two different references. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advanced and happy drawing :)
Looking good! Missing some shadows on the top one. Perhaps the distribution of values is skewed a bit too much towards the lights? The shadow shapes could also be combined into a single shape more. The bottom looks better, but still missing a clear core shadow on the pear itself and the fill in could be more smooth.
Overall I'd say these are quite good and I'd definitely move on with the rest of the course. Enjoy!
Katka Cvachova
Very nice! Great lines and proportions as far as I can see. The design and overall execution give a beautiful image. Did you notice any difference drawing from live instead of pictures? It doesn't seem to give you any difficulties! 😁
Stéphane Mor
Day 3 : animals, stuffed and real
The cat is actually from the end of yesterday, and the stuffed bears from this morning. They do feel a lot easier. "Too easy" would be a warning sign for me ("I can draw every shape"), so I keep focused on line quality and CSI. I shouldn't have added too much context with the bears, as it kinda loses the focus on them, especially without shading or color. Maybe a lighter tone could have been better. But I'm happy with the end result nevertheless !
Wow, did you draw the cat from live? That seems quite a challenge! Either way, good result; your line quality looks better to me each time!
PS What are those bears up to? 😳
Day 9: tried tackling a trickier subject with 3 layers stacked on top of each other and a similar perspective problem as the well from previous post. I should probably dedicated a whole page instead of half a page. I'm pretty happy with the result however. I decided to overlap the zebra despite this not being the case from my POV as a solution to make the depth ordering more clear.
I like the dynamics of it, it does look like it's moving. The varied line widths help in that. I guess it is intentional? The knot is nicely simplified also.
Stéphane Mor
Day 2 : two attempts with household items.
Before breakfast, I first attempted a jar whose curves I like very much. I think I did a decent job capturing those. Overall a good experience, short and focused, with some mistakes corrected on the go.
The second attempt, the chair, went OK but I do realize that my perspective if off. I may have been distracted by the preliminary "placeholder" sketch. I am too used to isometric perspective, and got tricked by it I guess. Other than that, it felt good not to struggle for ages to find a decent line.
I mixed 2H and 2B for the jar (I forgot to use the 2B as intended at first…), and for the chair I used the 2H for the sketch, and 2B for proper lines. This is kinda scary for now, but it does makes the lines look more confident imo.
Looks much more confident and clear than your previous submission! Great job. 👍
Drawing accurately is hard, especially from live. But that will come with practice, and there are lessons on the topic later on in the course so don't fret it too much for now.
Stéphane Mor
This is the first day of the two-week challenge. I'm not good at all with this kind of routine, so let's see where that goes. Anyways, here is a first "nature morte" (still life in English ?) with the random objects that laid on my desk and a little composition. I squeezed the drawing in the last 30-45 minutes of the week !
I'm trying to overcome my late laces-related trauma. :)
Also, I realize that the eraser-pen might come in handy for tiny areas which can ruin the global perception.
Great start, and I hear you on the laces! 😵💫 Trying to post every day on here has helped me to keep myself accountable to draw each day, even if it's just a tiny quick sketch.
Again great execution and selection of reference from which to draw! Perhaps try drawing from live as well if you have the opportunity? It might be a good way to push your skills even further.
Day 7/8: a little attempt at a tablecloth, and a stone well with some pumpkins on it that is near a local farm shop. I found the perspective on the stones tricky and noticed that I got tricked into drawing them straight on even though they should loop around. I think next time I'll lay in perspective lines first as I did the ellipses for the top of the well already and could just have followed those to lay in the perspective.
The pumpkins are really popping out. I like the way the table and pumpkins stand out. The rocks left vanishing as a support empathizes that. Also, it is darker than your previous works, I guess you changed your pencil ?
Very alive in their simplicity. I like the fuzziness of the pencil. Good plan on handling perspective in the future!
Shu Belle
Asked for help
OKAY, so the snail still destroyed me when it came to problem solving proportions. It looks fine after some measurements and some "I feel like this line should be this long". Simplifying the body of the snail was the most difficult part.
It looks great in terms of measurements and confident lines. I really like the cross contour lines.