Brandon Brown
Brandon Brown
Toronto, Canada
Activity Feed
Brandon Brown
Starting back at lesson 1 after a year break and life. Energized and excited to come back. Tried two different references. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advanced and happy drawing :)
Looking good! Missing some shadows on the top one. Perhaps the distribution of values is skewed a bit too much towards the lights? The shadow shapes could also be combined into a single shape more. The bottom looks better, but still missing a clear core shadow on the pear itself and the fill in could be more smooth. Overall I'd say these are quite good and I'd definitely move on with the rest of the course. Enjoy!
Brandon Brown
My attempt after taking a long hiatus and tarting from scratch! Took a stab at the pear assignment. Focused on trying to separate the different values. Any feedback would be welcomed and appreciated!
Heidi Lorenz
Hi Brandon! It's often good to take a hiatus, it freshens you for a restart. And, starting at the fundamentals sets a solid foundation for your work. I notice that when I squint that your values (the darker two) are very close together. You may have a more success by distinguishing the values into three (do I see a fourth value there too?) distinct categories. I might also focus on my quality of line. That is line direction, does the direction of line support the curves/shape of your subject? Are shaded areas purposefully hard with gaps between lines? Are the lines in your shadows transitioning into the lighter value seemlessly? You're off to a good restart! I hope you will post again so we can see your progress!
Brandon Brown
Definitely not ready to tackle level 2 challenges, but I thought it doesn't hurt to try! First image in the stack was my final the others were sketches and my references
Brandon Brown
My attempt at the lose sketch assignment. I tried to keep loose, kept my arm moving and tried to flow. I will say they were a lot harder than I thought they would be. The hardest by far was the hand. I'll revisit these again for another try!
Brandon Brown
Gave it a shot the boots were hard! Going to take another shot at these tomorrow again! Any feedback from the community is always appreciated!
Brandon Brown
Attempt at the pear exercise!
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