Activity Feed
Master study - Claire Wendling I like the animals she draws. Her stuff is whimsical and fun but also serious. It’s messy but also clean. It’s light but also heavy. It’s fantasy but realistic. Lots contrasting things going on. I probably should have spent way more time on mine and should have done more than one but didn’t find the time. Struggled to get as crisp of lines in some places as she did. Also picked a relatively simple one. Might come back and try some more complicated ones in the future
Rachel Dawn Owens
I love the flow Wendling puts in her drawings. It harmonizes everything together. Your study looks wonderful! You captured the energy well.
Shadows first and then the outline (ran out of page on the left side). Think I could have gone darker on the shadow spots.
Martha Muniz
Great range in line weight!
Would definitely consider myself a Level 1 student but took a stab at this. Felt like I couldn’t really capture it in a quick sketch. Struggling to balance between contours and flow and shapes. Any critiques and advice is much appreciated!!
Melanie Scearce
Keep going with it! The best thing you can do when you're learning to sketch from imagination is to practice. You're at a really good spot now because you've built up your visual library -- challenge yourself to use your observations to exaggerate or simplify the features of this critter to give it personality to your tastes. There is no wrong answer so free yourself to experiment without expectations :) These are looking good, keep going!
All done before the demo. After watching the demo, I may try again and try to get more of the “flow” lines down before first.
Found the boots to be the hardest of the four. I’ve been using a 4H to really help keep my contour lines super light. Having a hard time hitting the proportions just right. Also challenging to find the right balance between getting stuck in the details vs simplifying and getting the right contours onto the paper. Before demos
Both before the demos. Couldn’t stop myself from shading the snail. Boot proportions were tough and I had to walk away and come back to it before it started to look better. I think I need to take more time blocking in the basic shapes and proportions, I tend to skip right through that step…
Melanie Scearce
Taking a break and coming back with fresh eyes is a great idea. I like your self-assessment. The initial layin phase is the most important when it comes to proportions, and the key is to keep your lines very light so you don't commit to a line before you're sure it's correct.
First attempt of the pear was before the demo . Definitely blended too much and didn’t use hard edges. Second attempt was much better. Proportions feel off in the portrait and I have real hard time seeing the different shadow values, everything just looks like the darkest value to me!
Melanie Scearce
This is a great tool to use when you’re working with value: https://www.proko.com/values It acts a bit like the posterize effect where it groups and flattens similar values into your input amount of values. Try running a few images through it and after that, you can use it to check your work.
Asked for help
Hard exercise but definitely felt more control the more I drew.
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