Alan Massey
Poet and short story writer. I've always been interested in drawing, studied a bit in college. I'm here now to relearn what I've forgot.
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Alan Massey
added comment inProject - Rhythms
Asked for help
Hey everyone. I'm not so upset with how these turned out, but I do think they're a little sloppy. 5 minutes is super quick to draw something for me.
Anyways, I had some problem with proportion, especially in the legs. I had fun though and would like to do this again.
Alan Massey
Asked for help
I'm a bit rusty. I won't lie. I've been focusing a lot on my writing, so drawing fell by the wayside. But I'm back.
I have a new disdain for seals. They're kind of boring. I remember doing an assignment where we could pick an animal of our choice; mine was a blue heron. I had a lot more fun doing those guys for their dynamic shapes. These seals are just blobs, but I see the purpose in drawing them, turning the blobs into something.
The first two pictures are from the refrences, and the third I tried to do from memory (again, for the blue heron I found it a lot easier).
I'm glad to be back here, though. Cheers. All feedback is greatly appreciated.
Asked for help
Tedious but once I cracked main dimensions on the face, it went smoother
Nice! I think the right jaw line is a little too steep and should be rounded a bit more. Other than that, fantastic work. Great line quality, too!
Asked for help
I worked on this guy on 11x14”, sorry Stan I didn’t have a bigger sketch pad 😩 but it was a lot bigger than I usually draw, and it was so hard. But I enjoyed the process, I really love drawing so much. I checked my progress with procreate (hence the bunch of process pictures). Please let me know your thoughts and what I can do better! I think I’ll draw this dude again this week after watching the demo/critiques.
This turned out so well. I worked on an 18x24, and I felt that it was kind of helpful. Amazing work though. It's nice to see your step by step process as well. Did you ever work on this again?
Maurizio Leo
Asked for help
This was a tough one for me! Many revisions here, but learned a ton. Next time, I'll draw it larger to make the details a bit easier to focus on.
Looks like Van Gogh!
The first thing I notice is that there's not enough of his forehead showing. The ear stands out as well. If you notice in the photo, the bottom of the ear has an upward angle.
But you really captured his expression, which is great. It eluded me, for sure. And you have great line quality.
Alan Massey
Asked for help
This took me a long long time (around an hour-thirty). I erased most of my measuring lines, and as a result, I think it looks a little plain. Feels good to complete it, though. The eyes were such a challenge.
This is a challenging exercise! I overlaid your drawing on the reference image so we can see how it lines up, and you did a great job! I added some arrows to show you where the angels can be adjusted using reference points to make your drawing more accurate. Red shows your angle, and green shows the correct angle. Hope this helps!
Asked for help
Here's my attempt! I think I spent more time than I should have drawing the shapes and figuring out the proportions. I always want everything to be perfect, but I feel like this habit just makes me spend more time on my projects. As a beginner, I think I did a pretty good job on shading, but something still feels off to me. 🤔
Asked for help
I did attempt a couple before watching the demo, but I didn't feel great about them, so these are after that. I'm going to do many more of these because I'm not used to breaking down anything into simple shapes. Wish me luck, and keep drawing.
Asked for help
I hope these are not too light to see. I did not fully grasp the “organic” shape at first. I will be thinking about the shapes a bit differently after watching the critique.
I would very much appreciate some feed back, if you can see them. I think I need to get a red pencil. Maybe that will help me some.
Just darken some of the lines that need darkening. I think that will help. Lines, as Proko said, are also shapes. I think you did a great job at capturing the essence of these animals.
Diana Sorin
Asked for help
I had to go over this twice since I kept sketching the animals. But here it goes...
Great shapes. Don't forget to keep your lines loose and light at first, then darken in certain areas.