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added comment in2 Week Drawing Challenge
Day 1, 2 and 3. Better late than never.

Love the pigeon and the portrait
Sandro Liechti
Asked for help
I tried to be quick on this one but not messy. I limited myself to only use the CIS lines, but I feel like i have to work on my line quality. Tomorrow I also want to try the shoes and maby the level 2 as well.
Awesome! Clear linework that captures essence of subjects without getting bogged down in details
Johannes S.
Asked for help
My sketches for the simplification assignment. I did not draw all of Skellys ribs ... cuz ain't nobody got time for that. ^^
Michael Reyeros
Asked for help
Finally got around to the captain :) Let me know what you guys think
Wibble Wobbles
Asked for help
Day 5: I thought this was going to be relatively simple but boy did I find it hard to draw a jacket with creases in it using only lines. That hood especially was very challenging. Maybe if I use more direct lighting next time it will make it easier to see the lines. Thoughts?
I think it was a great idea and a fantastic execution. I know the intention is to create a line drawing, but could you darken the buttons? I think that would make the drawing pop. But that’s just me. I want to try this myself!
Jesse Green
Asked for help
It feels like the feet and legs kind of fell apart. Also, I am not sure why but it seems like the sketchier version before I put in the final dark lines looks better. Any suggestions on why that is? Overall, I am happy with it.
Great job capturing the pose and personality! I think the torso could be a bit larger, and the legs could be elongated. Feet of any kind hard to draw! The orientation of the front feet seems a touch off. Not exactly clear where they are pointing and a little flattened too. In any case, this is a very nice piece that captures enough information about the subject without getting lost in the details.