Activity Feed
Barbara Lentes
The 12 days after x-mas would be great for challenges next time ;-)
That's nice.
These portraits are GORGEOUS.
Thank you!!
That is beautiful.
Daniela Ivanova
I had so much fun with this challenge! The poster is based on a poem I wrote a couple years back, called Miracle. Here it is for anyone who's curious: --- Rainless clouds, long unsupported, press the horizons together. The troughs that I carved with once fearless fingers into the brick-baked bedrock level out into flatness behind me. Blood breaks from the split fingernails touches the soil sizzles to steam. Far ahead where all cracks converge rises a new column of light shimmers turns into a beacon. But not its beguilement as much as the scatter of rock, coils me forward digging into my calves like so many bug bites. On approach it shrinks to a flame and I, I watch the bush burn wait and wait and wait - for a voice, or a forefinger, - well after cooled ashes creep into my nose, under my eyelids; all I hear is static. I must kneel to bury it. --- The rest of the elements are connected to my home country, Bulgaria, my love for fantasy and my main occupation - pharmacy. I had a lot of fun painting all of the clothing, but the title was super difficult to come up with and format, since I have little experience with typography and design work.
This is AMAZING.
Alexis Vásquez
Hi everyone! So i am experimenting lately with more minimal designs while painting. Title: En las Nubes (roughly translated to "Daydreaming" if i'm right) Travelling has being a part of my life both as something i like to do (as a hobby) and also for work. This later years i have being really inclined towards creation, which i think is what calls me more, so for me, is kind of a trip inside my own mind.
Yasu Matsuoka
Here is my submission for this months art challenge. This movie is called “The Voyage”  When I saw that the theme of the challenge was a “My Life Movie Poster” I knew exactly what I wanted to create. For the past year I’ve been working on creating a fantasy world filled with mermaids, harpies, sirens, pirates and more. My biggest problem is that I’m terrible at writing and coming up with stories, so I’ve contented myself with drawing one scene at a time, hoping that I’ll be able to tie the individual scene together down the road.   This challenge has given me that opportunity to pull those fantasy pieces together into one movie!  Thanks for checking out my submission. I hope you enjoy it.  PS. Bonus points if you can spot the painter in the poster. 
Chris Hees
Hello everyone, here is my entry for the movie poster challenge.. Lately i`m doing more inked, comiclike stuff with a inky outline. It is a poster for some kind of western movie, containing some things from my life. I don`t like the result as a whole but i like parts of it and i learned a lot. I`m going to do another "movieposter" somewhere soon, and give it another go. I hope you guys like it.
Hi team, here's my entry for this for this challenge. Entitled Run, Spaceman, Run! Space opera movies unveiled in my very eyes when I was young, added with Japanese Tokusatsu with interdimentional super hero TV series while growing up. And I've been fascinated in space travel, time warps and space fantasies ever since. For my entry, I have decided to create a movie poster based on what I dig most: space adventures! An action-packed, espionage story about an average cosmos employee who happens to be a key in solving a mysterious case, as he accidentally unfolded the hidden secrets behind locked doors that eventually made him the target of evil space villains. Thanks for looking comrades!
This is beautiful!!!
Since when I was very young, I have always felt like I was a stranger in a land I don’t completely understand, completely at ease only in nature. I have people I love, included a lovely son, I have friends, and apparently everything is fairly fine in my life. Though, even if over time I have learnt to adapt, I still feel I don’t completely belong.
Hi. I've also always felt like a stranger in this world. I've always felt like I was different. But, there's nothing wrong with being different. You're not alone. Being different can be a great thing.
Davi Lo
Oof thought I wasn't going to make it, so close Was a bit hesitant on going for a more gloomy tone but it's a theme that speaks to me a lot and hopefully I was able to properly communicate it! Hope you like it!
That is awesome! It's so gorgeous.
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