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Tim Dosé
Very nice! Especially like the second one.
Thank you!
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Portrait Paintings
Hi everyone! I followed Cornelia Hernes' oil painting demo but I used Photoshop. I always start drawing with a line sketch so trying this technique was new but fun too. What do you guys think?
Josh Sunga
Hey @Lyena! Nice work! I took the opportunity to do a paint over because I like the mood you established- but I wanted to see if I could enhance the lighting. I also thought it'd be cool to stylize the image with more brushwork showing throughout the image. I have notes on the image attached but the main thing was bringing in more of the subtle forms of the face and allowing the highlights to pop. I also added more colors but I wanted to also keep that desaturated feel you had. But as long as you have a solid value structure in your image, any colors you choose will most likely work. Hope some of this is helpful- and thanks for sharing!
Thank you so much! I really like your version. I will definitely use your tips. Thanks for helping me!
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Hello guys! This is my personal piece. I wanted to make a painting with storytelling in a dark setting and make the character look like she is a rebel. What do you think about it?
Great job on the face! I would say one thing that needs work is the clothing. If you want some cool victorian era inspired clothes I would look up the clothing sets from the game bloodborne. Some of the clothes look slightly different depending on if you play a male or female character so make sure to specify. Reference for clothes is key though so I would look up some victorian era clothes or check out some victorian era movies. Also I don't know how obvious you want to make it that she is a witch but it could be cool to see how the dark magic is starting to corrupt her appearance. Hope this helps a little, great work so far!
Thank you for the advice! It really helps me making the character more detailed.
Vincentius Sesarius
You seem to be on a good start with this! But I will advice you to take some more time to dig deeper with the concept, because as of right now, the design looks a little early to be finished. Is there any particular reference or characters which you can base your design to?
My idea was to design a witch, but I didn't want to make her in a medieval fantasy style because it's pretty overused so I chose the victorian era and I looked at victorian fashion for reference. I wasn't inspired by other characters.
Alec Brubaker
Hi Lyena, very nicely done. I think you have a fun idea here, but you could definitely push it farther! In regards to designing for a specific era, It's always a good idea to spend a good deal of time researching the costumes, ornamentation, and other visual elements, which it does look like you've done a bit of. However, I think your design could benefit from a few things, the first being iteration! If you have an idea for a character It is always a good idea to spend time really exploring your options, different takes on what that character could be. Lots of sketches on what this character could look like, before you get to a finished painting! And this is not just in regards to costume, but even things like attitude and body language. Spend some time thinking about this things and pushing the concept of your character. A lot of good designers will ask themselves questions about their character and explore these possibilities in writing. For example, let's brainstorm some possibilities giving ourselves the prompt 'Evil Victorian Witch'. How evil is this witch? And what kind of evil? Is she sadistic? Wicked? Seductive? Does she revel in being evil or is she just ruthless? Is she a sorceress or could she be possessed by a demon? What drives her intentions, her evil actions? Does she want something? Maybe she wants revenge on another person, or to steal political power! Past her intentions, what kind of witch might she be and what does she look like? Your artwork shows her dressed nicely and having face tattoos, which I imagine is quite unusual in Victorian England! Does this cause problems for her in public life?(something to think about!) But maybe those tattoos are temporary, written in the blood of a sacrifice before our witch commits some heinous ritual! Or perhaps we could make her a hag who hides away in the woods, or under a castle. Or is she a member of polite society who hides her malicious intent behind a mask of innocence? Maybe she uses sorcery to change her appearance? Might she have a wardrobe change throughout her character arc in whatever story this is? Perhaps she's a jealous serving girl who ends up a dark queen like Maleficent! Spending time thinking out possibilities in this way is incredibly fun, helpful and will pretty much always lead you to a more interesting and creative design than you might have otherwise had. Here's the link to a video on character design that might interest you, with lots of tips on these exact topics: I know It's a wall of text but I hope it helps some, keep up the great work!
Thank you for taking time to write this, it's really helpful! I tend to skip the character exploration and just design it in my mind and draw it. But I will focus on practicing the exploration from now on.
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Victorian Witch
Hi guys! I finished designing this character. She's a witch in the victorian era and she's an evil villain so I tried to show that by using red and making her eyes red. What do you think about the design and do you think it's good enough to put it in my portfolio?
These portraits are GORGEOUS.
Thank you!!
Kristian Nee
Hey Lyena! This is really cool! Really great painting skills, and really interesting clothing design. Something I might say if you're going for a Cyberpunk theme is that it doesn't feel like there's anything that places her in the future. Right now, to me it feels like she could exist right now. There's nothing to me that screams that she is Cyberpunk. This is subjective, but to me Cyberpunk implies that there's a utility to the clothing, and accessories. She might have a cybernetic leg that also acts as high heels. Her eyes could be robotic implants that can see in any spectrum. Something else that might help is a contrast in balance. For example, one of her arms might have a robotic glove. I know this isn't Cyberpunk, but in The Legend of Korra, Asami has a glove that she uses as a weapon. I think that part of her design adds utility to her outfit, but also does a lot to make her cooler.
Thank you! I'm a beginner in designing Cyberpunk so these are really good advices, it helps me a lot!
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