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Barbara Lentes
added comment inDay 12 - Comic Poses - 12 Days of Proko
The 12 days after x-mas would be great for challenges next time ;-)
Haha. When people are less in a rat race of shopping!?

That's nice.
Hi all! I am an older person - stay at home mom homeschooling my children - who wants to learn to draw for the joy of drawing. The more I listen to The Draftsmen podcast the more I realize Proko is geared toward someone who wants to be a professional artist. I'm wondering then if this is really the place for me. I'm wondering if the Drawing Fundamentals course is also too focused on that to where it doesn't fit my situation. I am also starting to feel like I shouldn't draw at all until I have learned more and can do it well but I guess drawing poorly for a long time has to precede drawing at all proficiently. Any thoughts for me? I appreciate any insight!
Hi Dana, I think drawing at any stage is a valuable and fullfilling thing to do, whether or not you want to use your skills professionally. Anyway I think on this platform are a lot of useful lessons, espacially for beginners. From the courses I have done here I can say you get a lot of info, draw along or just practice that helps growing. I did the figure drawing fundamentals and i think for a beginner the upcoming course will be really beneficial. Dont get discouraged, maybe use what is useful for you and just skip the rest. I am no digital artist and I am no prof. either, so I sometimes feel the same/maybe not fitting in here completely, but I pick and practice what is for me and up until now I dont regret it.
My contribution:
„Summer Moment“
Oil on canvas, 100x120cm.
The girls have a moment of curiosity about a ladybug, the boy is mildly interested but keeps some distance. The light filters through the trees. A silent moment.
I recycled an old canvas for this project. The group is a friend of mine and children of one of her friends. I‘ve been thinking about the meaning of „extended family“ and feeling connected a lot since I don’t have children of my own. I have chosen family though and it’s a blessing, too.
Asked for help
Am painting over an old Canvas. Does the final painting have to be really naturalistic in the end, bc i‘d like to keep it more in planes/simplified? Any advice so far ?
The Golden Compass by Philip Pullman is I think one of the best written sci-fi fantasy stories out there. I immediately picked this book when I saw this challenge as it remains one of my all time favorites. Here is my final full cover as well as some closeups for details.
Hello! Here is my submission for the April 2022 Proko Challenge. It was really hard to choose a favourite book (I don't actually think it is possible!) but my cover is for the Book of Three by Lloyd Alexander. I read this series so many times as a child and have a lot of fondness for the characters.
For this cover, I employed hand lettering. The Horned King (the story's antagonist) is the centre of the design, framed in by a silhouette of Hen Wen, the oracle pig.
I would love to hear your feedback! It was a great challenge being limited to 2 to 3 colors - the restrictions really push you to be creative. :)
Not my favorite book per se, but one that I hold very dear and which is a great introduction to the beautiful works of Hesse.
This was quite fun to do!
Asked for help
That's it I'm calling it done! Based off a Princess Mononoke cosplay I wore to work for a Halloween costume competition (I won the competition but only 5 people at work knew who Princess Mononoke was).
Painted with oil paint. Constructive criticism on anything, including oil painting, composition, light and shadow, clothing folds, face planes and anatomy, appreciated! I feel like I have a flat face that doesn't quite lend itself to planes very well.
Good luck everyone!
Whhoooohooooo Charlene! 3rd place! Congratulations! That’s sooo great! I am sooo happy for you!!!
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sooo many amazing selfportraits here!!!! Chapeau!!
Here’s my self portrait doing some epic baking xD made in watercolor on hard press paper.
haven’t done a ton of water coloring but learned a lot doing this so ima consider this done and eat a cookie. ^__^