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Francisco Chinchilla
added comment inProko Challenge Storytelling - FINAL SUBMISSIONS HERE
hope the image speaks for itself, and that I didn't overkill on the gloomy mood of the second image
"luck finder"- the first robot ever made to bring luck right to your door. With his brand new atomic power supply, he can detect the clovers with 4 leaves and separate them from the ugly ones. Get yours now and be lucky forever!
Mining luck! Interesting idea. I did something with a vaguely similar theme, except that my robot grinds up trees and turns them into Holograms
Submission 4/4 The theme for this one is "air" and was done in gouache, with a few touch ups in digital. overall, not my favorite. Didn't really used all the potential for some watercolor technique to get the foggy look, but when used some thick paint, i considered it more successful.
This challenge was very nice to do, so thanks to Tiffanie Mang and proko team for putting this together!
Submission 3/4 The theme for this one is "fire" and was done in gouache. Tried using very thick paint and saturated colors to increase the contrast between warm and cool
Ah! I see what you are doing here! Such cool entries colors AND topics! I would love to see close ups on all of them.
Submission 2/4 The theme for this one is "earth" and was done in gouache. using the big brush was very challenging, but also made for some good shapes, and i might use more in future works.
Submission 1/4 The theme for this one is "water" and was the only one done fully digitally. Since i'm more comfortable with this medium, it was the fastest one by far
Cricket man-thing. Did some photo-mixing on photoshop, drew the character adding some concept, then painted over it,
Francisco Chinchilla
Hello :) My main career goal is to work on Fantasy illustration for games and possibly book covers. Some of my goal clients are MTG, DnD and Riot. I've been kinda stuck on what to develop further for a while, and any comment would help immensely. thanks :)
whenever i go straight into painting -without a under drawing- my proportions come out messed up. Any tips for fixing that?
InsOmni the night stalker- NOW ON THEATERS except they are all closed down... because of covid... and that makes me feel bad, which makes me not want to stay awake, EXCEPT THAT THE INSOMNI MAN WON'T LET ME SLEEEP IHIHII ok, I clearly don't know what to write here. Thanks for the amazing prompt Karla, and thanks Proko + team for the opportunity, see you in the next one :)
Great colors and the shadow is very spooky. Somehow reminds me of King's Dark Tower series, but I can't say why. Great work!