Cyril Cory
Cyril Cory
Paris, France
Activity Feed
Limay Uribe Ruberti
This is "Halloween 2022". Here the artstation link for better quality: Hopes you like it, thanks!!
Cyril Cory
Nice, I like the work on the light & shadow in this composition
Michael Havis
My name is Skully. I am Skelly’s evil step-twin. I actually don’t understand how it is possible to be a ‘step’ twin – but I am. My skull is elongated because I am part extraterrestrial. I do have an evil power. I can melt things with my eyes. Well, not actually my eyes – because I don’t have eyes. I can melt things with my eye sockets. I have EVIL EYE SOCKET MELTING POWER! To tell the truth – my melting ability is not that great. I can really only melt things like cheese or ice cubes (it takes a long time to melt an ice cube though). But I can make great grilled cheese sandwiches. And I can also melt butter onto toast if you would like some. This guy Mike did this pastel portrait of me. Mike was a student of Stan's some years ago. Although Stan may not want to admit it after seeing this drawing that Mike did...
Cyril Cory
Haha nice (this evil step-twin kinds of remind me of Bender in Futurama, I'm not sure why..
Antti Kallinen
Ok this is my second submission and also my second ink drawing :P. This one is more from imagination and berhaps some improvemed in ink technique. I got so into this ink thing I ordered dip pens and inks lol.
Cyril Cory
Poor guy, buried under this skulltopus xD
Cyril Cory
Hey guys, Here's what I got so far after following the whole course (I can't do the digital part so I sticked to paper :)) By the way, this course is still flagged as "in progress", does anyone know if and when will there more videos ?
yeah there properly is
Cyril Cory
Hey guys, Here's my take on this month's challenge. Maybe not very halloweeny, I wanted to celebrate life over death :)
Magnus Marshall
Love it!
Zoungy Kligge
Such a nice dynamic composition
Cyril Cory
Hi everyone, Here is my take on this month's challenge
Cyril Cory
Hi guys, here is a portrait of my Demon Prince for this month Prokochallenge
Alec Brubaker
Really cool!
Ooh beautiful ink work!
Cyril Cory
Another cute little ghoul for day 5 :)
Cyril Cory
Hi everyone ! Here is Manspider.. or Spider Spiderman... or... Well, enjoy ! Cheers
great work!
Magnus Marshall
Awesome. I think the web shooting hand could do with a bit more clarity but it’s so cool and gnarly, well done!
Francisco Chinchilla
Cricket man-thing. Did some photo-mixing on photoshop, drew the character adding some concept, then painted over it,
Cyril Cory
Nice! It kind of reminds me of the Shrike in Hyperion :p
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