Environment Painting with Bryan Mark Taylor (LIVESTREAM)
Ask your questions now!
Stan and I will be discussing a painting I recorded while taking your questions and talking about the upcoming Vision X Live event.
Erin :-)
So as a new artist, the current course I am watching recommends using a 3 color gray scale for foreground, midgtound and background to help define depth..... with your amazing highlighting, where would you add this the the value scale and/or do you use a different initial value scale to set up the composition for your highlighted focal point? Thank you do much, live your work!
Also, what is the Vision X live event? Thank you.😊

Can we achieve the same results in acrylic colors? What is your experience of working with acrylics and oils? I mean which one you prefer and why?
I prefer oils because I have a longer working time to modify and soften transitions and edges. One thing i like about watercolors though is that you don't have to deal with glare and you can get nice smooth gradients easier with watercolors.

Absolutely interesting subject. Nice cool tints in shadow area. This is first time I am seeing such bright reflected tones in shadow area. This is something new to learn from you. You work is so inspiring Bryan. Thanks for sharing in depth demo.
Thank you Vikrant!

jess bravo
how long do you wait before varnishing your oil painting?
I wait until it is touch dry then I put on a Gamvar varnish.

How do you deal with persistent mental blocks? I can start anything, but halfway through I always end up losing my vision.
Wayne Ma
I like your colors from the paintings very much.
Try smaller paintings with simpler subjects that you can finish quicker. Work up to more complex things once you get faster at the simple subject.

Bryan, what kinds of things should I consider when I want to work on my brushwork?
Lig ma
Hello Bryan and Stan, I have a question. When making an environmental drawing what things should one focus on ?
Also if you wanna be a concept artist designing environments, what sre most things that all industries look for when designing environments?
Thanks for all the work you have done🙂

Got the same question
Also, can traditional artwork ONLY count as professional portfolio for video game concept artist?? Pencils, paints, all media but offline.
Lig ma
Is my name that bad ?

Do The type of brushes that you use in digital painting really affect your painting??
Do you have any thoughts on handling frustration? Or advice for people who become discouraged because of the gap between the "minds eye" painting versus what gets on the canvas? I'm trying to learn oil after 20 years of acrylic work, and my own frustration and impatience are killin me!

Hey Stan ! Hey Bryan
I've always faced problems dealing with the negative space in my drawings and paintings what kind of practices should I do to make an intresting negative space also which dosen't take focus from the main subjects. Waiting for your answer.
thank you
Francisco Chinchilla
whenever i go straight into painting -without a under drawing- my proportions come out messed up. Any tips for fixing that?

I’ve been making art for many years as hobby but am transitioning into attending school for fine arts and trying to make art my profession. What do you think is the most important aspect of painting to master initially, when starting to grow your skills (perspective, composition, measuring etc)?
Yume Jensen
What do you look for when choosing a subject to paint?
Laurel Beam
Good evening Stan and Bryan!
Bryan, when working on a painting, how do you personally know when you are overworking it or you just need to push through a tough spot? Are there signals to you, that you should just stop painting it and move on?
Yume Jensen
How do you decide where you want to blend colors and where you want to keep the brush stroke more pronounced? I love the rougher/ expressive look for paintings but never know when to stop refining.
(For Stan) Am I at a disadvantage if I want to get better at drawing at age 13, instead of an earlier age.

I have oil paints that are walnut oil based and have walnut oil and alkyd as mediums. Only problem is I have no ventilation for solvents can I still oil paint if yes any tips and if no I do have acrylics.
Rodrigo Raver
How do you manage your time to paint and post consistently when your artwork has various elements and details to paint? I wish I could post more often and finish a full painting in less time. Thanks!
John Aycock
Bryan! I just found you here, but I have been diving into your work all day! QUESTION: For you, is it more important to remain true to the reference or do you take liberties? If so, is it about the “feel” of a place or simply what looks good to you? Thanks!

Ola AlNabwani
I am trying to get into this style of drawing, (lifestyle or real life or something else) I don't know what it is called exactly.. so how do I start?