Activity Feed
I really liked the contrasting light and dark lines in the first drawing! It looks really nicely done.
My attempt at the rhino again after following the light and shadow video demo! Any constructive feedback would be great. Thank you!
Martha Muniz
Very nicely done!
This is wonderfully done. The direction of the light is pretty obvious as the side in shadow has great weight
Here is my hierarchy of importance exercise. would love a critique on it. This exercise was quite out of my comfort zone, but i quite enjoyed it.
This is amazing! I love how you made the lines lighter as started working on the rhino's ribs and body. I think you could've made the lines heavier on the contours of the front legs but other than that I think it's gorgeous! :D
My attempt at the rhino again after watching the demo!
Rachel Dawn Owens
So good!
My attempt at the level 1 assignment with the rhino!
Rachel Dawn Owens
Woof. Redoing these after watching the demos was a doozy. I redid the penguin first and it was, I believe, the easiest to redo based on Stan's instructions compared to the hand and VR girl. My next redo attempt was the hand and I was tearing my hair out trying to figure this one out! I couldn't understand what Stan meant by trying to capture the "rhythm" of the subject. I think I didn't feel too frustrated with the penguin because I didn't have to worry about capturing the rhythm of the penguin too much since it was in a static and stiff pose. (I think this may have been the assignment that made me stop taking the course last year because I got too frustrated and gave up 😭) But instead of just completely giving up, I decided to scrap the hand for now and do my second attempt at the VR girl. The VR girl was a lot of fun to both sketch and figure out from a problem solving perspective. The concepts of sketching the rhythm of the subject started clicking into my brain as I redid the VR girl for a few days. I think I did the right thing for myself by skipping the hand at that time. Because by the time I tried to the hand assignment again after finishing the VR girl, I felt more confident in how to do the hand assignment. I still don't feel too confident about being able to find the rhythms in the subject while sketching - about 50% confident or so. I might end up continuing to practice how to sketch from observation for a little while longer before moving onto to the next video.
Patrick Bosworth
Hey! Nice work, glad you didn't give up! A little ways a head of this lesson is Stan's overview of Rhythms, it may be helpful to give this lesson a watch to clarify what he means by finding the rhythms, but basically you're looking for the connections between forms. In the arm you found a really nice rhythm that flows from the finger tip of the index finger, through the palm, up the forearm, all the way to the connection of the bicep, that long elegant S-curve is a rhythm that connects the whole arm together. This lesson, the project, and demos have a lot of clarification on rhythms, hope this helps! https://www.proko.com/course-lesson/draw-any-pose-from-any-angle-rhythms/discussions
My attempts for the level 1 assignment! In the past month I have definitely noticed an improvement in my drawing skills since I started practicing almost daily. I feel quite proud of the penguin and the VR girl, but not so much with the hand. The hand to me felt more difficult to simplify into CSI curves and also hard to measure out the arm compared to the hand. I think my weaknesses right now are perspective and proportions, so I hope to improve on those in the future!
My second attempts after watching the demo videos! The boots were the bane of my existence (haha). But once Stan explained how to break the curves down and how to focus on simplify the shapes rather than capture every single detail, I tried to be less focused on making the boots look perfect
The boots were a lot harder for me than the snail. All of those laces haha 😅
Here is my attempt at a pear after watching the demo video!
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