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added comment inProko Challenge Sketching Light and Color - FINAL SUBMISSIONS HERE
And another one, because colors are awesome
Adriano Antonio
Love it!
This is so beautiful, I love the serene feeling of this piece
Ooh loving those purples in there.
Just finished reading the trilogy after not reading at all for a while, so nice time for this challange ♥
acrylic on paper, which wasn't the best idea
Here are my 5, but I think I'll do more, I feel like I need it
Hellish realm has frozen and the imps went wild
Demon Prince of the jungle, Riik (pronounced. Reek, I guess), with his demonic parrots that he can summon and make them do creepy things
My Unexpected Superhero is the Digital Security Warrior and protector inside all my IOS devices, but specifically my Ipad. Unseen, and unsung, the IOS defender effectively repels an onslaught of digital threats. I have imagined, gendered, incarnated, and depicted him as a hyper-masculine digital seraphim warrior. He has many devices in his tool belt to protect and repair code from oncoming malware threats, but he mostly employs a binary code-wielding sword against the invaders, and launches telepathically controlled “repair algorithm cubes”to restore corrupted code. His gauzy levitating wings and halo, also composed of binary code, inform you that this telepathic digital warrier operates with the support of mystical allies.
I imagined the digital malware invaders coming in swarms. I represented the large dominant malware attackers (shown in translucent cream) to be a chimeric amalgamation comprised of machine, insect, human, virus, and blemmyae (a mythical race of headless people) The scene depicts the slaying of a malware invader by our superhero. The malware attacker depicted has a redundant “spine”, and bleeds red and green blood where it is transected at the midriff.
It will require strength, bravery, endurance, and a mystical devotion to manage the ongoing digital malware invasion. My unexpected superhero is ready.
The great Cookerman is here to save your dinner!
He has a fancy mask, which enhances his sniffing ability, so he can smell your almost-burning precious dinner.. or breakfast, or whatever that is on the kitchen stove, just before it burns completly and rescue it, while you are playing this absorbing game (or creating art). He is also equipped with his own spatula to make things easier (he won't have to look for yours). Oh, and don't worry about sanitary matters, he has gloves and a hat.
Ha ha ha, great idea and who couldn't use that kind of hero now and then. He is welcome in my neighborhood, that is for sure :D
Also very good executed.