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Here are my 5, but I think I'll do more, I feel like I need it
Just in case
Aaron Osofsky
My Unexpected Superhero is the Digital Security Warrior and protector inside all my IOS devices, but specifically my Ipad.  Unseen, and unsung, the IOS defender effectively repels an onslaught of digital threats.  I have imagined, gendered, incarnated, and depicted him as a hyper-masculine digital seraphim warrior. He has many devices in his tool belt to protect and repair code from oncoming malware threats, but he mostly employs a binary code-wielding sword against the invaders, and launches telepathically controlled “repair algorithm cubes”to restore corrupted code. His gauzy levitating wings and halo, also composed of binary code, inform you that this telepathic digital warrier operates with the support of mystical allies.  I imagined the digital malware invaders coming in swarms. I represented the large dominant malware attackers (shown in translucent cream) to be a chimeric amalgamation comprised of machine, insect, human, virus, and blemmyae (a mythical race of headless people) The scene depicts the slaying of a malware invader by our superhero. The malware  attacker depicted has a redundant “spine”, and bleeds red and green blood where it is transected at the midriff.  It will require strength, bravery, endurance, and a mystical devotion to manage the ongoing digital malware invasion. My unexpected superhero is ready. 
I love it so much
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