Aaron Osofsky
Aaron Osofsky
Activity Feed
Burningarmadillo Elor
Aaron Osofsky
Love the first two for clean powerful graphics . The intentionally limited palette, color washes, and shape distributions of the first and second images elicits a very satisfying Japanese screen printing vibe for me. Love your variation of shapes and distribution of hues in the second one, and well controlled value distribution and line in the first one!
Bruh Man
So what's your favourite condom colour? Cause condom man is cummingggg. (Wip)
Aaron Osofsky
Love the handling of washes and those terrific exaggerated arms!
Aaron Osofsky
Love the quality of line, shapes, composition, and robust forms
Aaron Osofsky
My Unexpected Superhero is the Digital Security Warrior and protector inside all my IOS devices, but specifically my Ipad.  Unseen, and unsung, the IOS defender effectively repels an onslaught of digital threats.  I have imagined, gendered, incarnated, and depicted him as a hyper-masculine digital seraphim warrior. He has many devices in his tool belt to protect and repair code from oncoming malware threats, but he mostly employs a binary code-wielding sword against the invaders, and launches telepathically controlled “repair algorithm cubes”to restore corrupted code. His gauzy levitating wings and halo, also composed of binary code, inform you that this telepathic digital warrier operates with the support of mystical allies.  I imagined the digital malware invaders coming in swarms. I represented the large dominant malware attackers (shown in translucent cream) to be a chimeric amalgamation comprised of machine, insect, human, virus, and blemmyae (a mythical race of headless people) The scene depicts the slaying of a malware invader by our superhero. The malware  attacker depicted has a redundant “spine”, and bleeds red and green blood where it is transected at the midriff.  It will require strength, bravery, endurance, and a mystical devotion to manage the ongoing digital malware invasion. My unexpected superhero is ready. 
radha goyal
Lasse Jin Brøgger
Nice digital superhero. Well done :)
Stephanie Miller
That's actually a really cool concept. Nice to know all of our IOS devices will be safe the Digital Security Warrior around! 😄👍
I love it so much
Aaron Osofsky
Asked for help
Where are the assignments in the premium version. In the non-premium version you could download them from YouTube but I don’t see them in the premium version. To get the assignments should I be going to YouTube? Or is it somewhere in the premium course that I downloaded but I don’t know where it is? I’m looking for the downloads for the spine assignment
Here’s my attempt at drawing the loomis head from extreme angles (maybe not extreme enough?). I should have probably left the neck outlines out but I’m fascinated with the way the neck connects to the head in these angles. Also no.4 looks off proportion wise but I’m not sure why? Any critique & tips are much appreciated!
Aaron Osofsky
Drawings 4,7,8 lack lines showing the relationship of the neck and shoulders. The other 5 drawings have Lines indicating the neck shoulders and sternocleidomastoid muscles. That is why 4,7,8 drawings make the head look at disembodied.
How do you study anatomy from Bridgman? What are the prerequisites or necessary skills/theories you need to learn before delving into that? Also, aside from Bridgman, what others artists or sources would you suggest for beginners to use to learn anatomy? Thank you very much for taking questions from us!
Aaron Osofsky
Uldis Zarins anatomy for sculptors
Aaron Osofsky
Looked at some you tube videos. Don't know what else I need to start. For the first lessonI guess I will also need wire cutters or Pliers to make an armature? How will I soften the clay? Torches, lighters, double boiler?hair dryer?What is recommended? What solvent is safest for a low circulation area? I Never made an armature or worked with oil based clay. I apologize I posted these questions elsewhere also. Thanks!!
Richard Husky
Aaron what type of material are you planning to use because that will determine some answers to your other questions. For example, you will not want to use torches with polymer clays (that could be bad). To answer you solvent question, you'll likely want to circulate your area somehow whether it's opening a window, a fan to draw air out of the room, or something along those lines. However, in my experience it's too early to think about solvents because those are used in finishing techniques. Think you'll be working in to rough for awhile to get the basics down.
Andrew Joseph Keith
The lesson on the 9th will talk about starting cheap and using materials you already have, then the next lesson will dive deeper into materials. After that the other assignments will start to come out. Pliers with Wire cutters do come in handy or something similar for bending and cutting aluminum wire.
Aaron Osofsky
I understand for your course, you suggested oil based clay, and you recommended:NSP medium by Chavant. Will you post complete list of what is necessary for your course. How many bricks do you suggest I order for the course?. Do I need a lighter, a torch? a double boiler? which solvent is safest to use in a basement, my work space? Do I need a solvent? I am seeing hints from youtube that different folks are using different stuff. I have worked in water based clay, but have no idea what tools are specific to oil-based clay. I would like to begin to order, make, or locate them in preparation for coursework.
Andrew Joseph Keith
Yes there will be a video that dives into all the supplies coming soon. A couple bricks of chavant clay or the 5 lbs of Monster clay should work fine. You might not be able to do the larger figures with only 5-6 lbs of clay unless you build most of it out with aluminum foil or newspaper. The tools you use for water based clay should work fine. The other things you mentioned are optional but not necessary.
bart Boonen
To start you only need the clay, armature and a stand. And of course tools. Check Tiranti.co.uk they have the best in my opinion. So far, this is what i use, to start this is enough. Later the other things could be usefull.
Aaron Osofsky
Asked for help
I am interested in doing The Proko course work digitally. This is new to me as I have no digital training. I have done some research and decided to purchase a 2020 iPad Pro with procreate ap and an apple pen (2nd gen.) Does anyone know where I can find a video of how to use the procreate app on a tablet ( ipad) to do anatomy contouring Of muscles Or drawing bones over imported photographic images? Also, how to isolate and Colorize muscle groups would help. Any tutorial on the mechanics of using the digital equipment for the assignments of Stans course would help. I downloaded procreate pocket on the iPhone so I can begin to understand the basic tools . I have found some very basic videos that give me clues, and very complicated videos on YouTube that I can’t follow. I can guess how this might happen using the tools I have seen, but I still have some questions about How do you use layers and alpha masks and reference assignment and the other tools in the program. Is there a “lasso tool” in procreate pocket 4.0 ? Can’t find it. What does it mean to lock or group layers? Why can’t I paint on a layer that’s been grouped? Can someone make a video Of doing Prokos anatomy assignments with the iPad and procreate app, Then I I could focus on the anatomy and not the mechanics of the digital device.
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