Warmups to Improve Line Quality

Course In Progress

Warmups to Improve Line Quality

Course In Progress

Hey, welcome back. In this video, I'm going to introduce you to several line quality exercises that you can practice for 5 to 15 minutes before you begin a drawing session. When you start drawing, even simple lines will feel awkward, like your hand just doesn't want to do it. You have to battle through it, and over time your pencil will feel natural to you as if it's just part of your hand.

You can do these warmups in your sketchbook or just get some cheap printer paper. I want you to fill as many pages as possible. If doing these in your sketchbook will cause you to do less of them because you're trying to preserve sketchbook paper, then just use the printer paper. If you don't care about "wasting" a whole sketchbook on line circles and shaded squares, then let's go.

Throughout this course I'll be adding more warmup exercises into your routine for you to do before you start drawing. You only need to spend 5 to 15 minutes on these. But the key is consistency. Don't just do them once. That's like going for a jog once. Warmups are especially important for beginners to develop control and hand-eye coordination, but also to help you get loose and warmed up for a drawing.

Being too tense or having all these high expectations before you start your session can be damaging. These exercises are abstract little practices that are simple to do, but they build essential lifelong skills. Don't skip them.

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Founder of Proko, artist and teacher of drawing, painting, and anatomy. I try to make my lessons fun and ultra packed with information.
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