Spine Assignment Examples 1-6 - Draw Skelly
Spine Assignment Examples 1-6 - Draw Skelly
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Spine Assignment Examples 1-6 - Draw Skelly


Spine Assignment Examples 1-6 - Draw Skelly

Stan Prokopenko
Drawing from a skeleton is a great way to learn Anatomy for Artists. In this video I will show you the benefits of using a skeleton as your model to practice drawing the spine.
Here are my first and second attempts at this exercise! First ones before watching demos, second ones after.
Yoyo Yang
Any feedback is welcome~ Thank you~
Yu Rong Yao
Spine 01-06 Study -first try -redraw -after watching Proko's lesson and drawing again. Welcome for any feedback~ Thank you:))
Gannon Beck
Good work!
Noe Luis
Love the line quality
hi, Starting drawing Skelly assignements with the first 3 models
I drew twice every image. I tried to fix especially the perspective of the head and pelvis and tried to make the flow of spine more accurate and dynamic. Though there's still room for improvement. Such as the cervical being too long in the last image. If there is any feedback, it's welcome. Thanks.
Joshua Johnson
Hello, this assignment is super hard! I spent a lot of time to figure out the perspective and the proportion of everything.
Nathan RICCI
Hello there! First time posting here! Here are my first and second attempts at the spine assignement 1-6. I'm having a hard time figuring out the simplification and orientation of the perlvis, and it seems that I have a tendency to elongate and exaggerate the 'tapering' (?) of the spine too much. Any other feedback would be welcome. Thanks!
Volker Wuyts
I think the issue arises when you try to simplify the pelvis into a bucket shape as in the pelvis lesson which come after the spine lessons. After some time I figured out in the spine lesson Stan actually uses a tapering cylinder which has a perfect circle as bottom and top caps. A trick I used is using an empty cardboard toilet role and rotate it in the same position as the pelvis in my reference photo, to define how the elipse representing the top cap will look like. After finding this out things made alot more sense in these spine lessons. Hope this makes sense. Good luck!
Gannon Beck
No doubt the pelvis is tough. These studies are looking good.
There is a lot to work on here. The hardest thing is imagining the spine column as it travels within the ribcage. Especially when the lumbar region rotates in perspective
Any feedback is welcome. Thanks :)
Karas Rijji
my exercise
Olga K
Just finished working on Skelly spine assignment.
Alexandra Venice
Sick, it looks cool. I'm going to try practicing the skelly spine then, keep it up!
Patrick Bosworth
Nice work!
Here is my assigtmrnt
Manuel Rioja
Compared to the firsts versiones., i did it better, but i know that there are things that are difficult for me to see, and the execution is not clean because I erase and correct a lot.
Casey Carstairs
There's a lot of problems with these, and after watching this, I realised that I need to add more contour lines, and transparency the forms. Any other suggestions?
Freya artist
I made corrections to my job after I saw the video. so I share it
Freya artist
Ok, guys. Here is my first attempt at this assignment, I believe that I have to practice a lot with the coccyx structure because is a little more inclined.
Samuel Parker
Watching the Deliberate practice video was very helpful, putting the idea into practice was very rewarding.
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Founder of Proko, artist and teacher of drawing, painting, and anatomy. I try to make my lessons fun and ultra packed with information.
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