Activity Feed

Nathan RICCI
Asked for help
Hello everyone! I'm looking for some feedbacks for this drawing of Yoni.
There was something bugging me about that lower arm, but it's only now that the drawing and the ref are next to one another that I realize how I messed up the foreshortening ^^
I was focusing on design for this one, but any advice on anything else would be most welcome aswell. Thank you.
Nathan RICCI
Here is my second attempt at the spine assignment 7-10, but without tracing.
Any feedback is most welcome, thanks!
Nathan RICCI
Hello there! First time posting here! Here are my first and second attempts at the spine assignement 1-6. I'm having a hard time figuring out the simplification and orientation of the perlvis, and it seems that I have a tendency to elongate and exaggerate the 'tapering' (?) of the spine too much.
Any other feedback would be welcome. Thanks!
I think the issue arises when you try to simplify the pelvis into a bucket shape as in the pelvis lesson which come after the spine lessons. After some time I figured out in the spine lesson Stan actually uses a tapering cylinder which has a perfect circle as bottom and top caps.
A trick I used is using an empty cardboard toilet role and rotate it in the same position as the pelvis in my reference photo, to define how the elipse representing the top cap will look like.
After finding this out things made alot more sense in these spine lessons.
Hope this makes sense.
Good luck!