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At first it was kinda overwhelming with how the obliques integrate with the rib cage and the pelvis along with the twisting and stuff. But by trying it over and over and watching the critiques video, I can draw a lot smoother and quicker. Really appreciate that.
Hudson Elmore
what you can do is in a sitting postion layer them slighty
Melanie Scearce
Great studies. You did a good job finding the correct insertion and origin points and showing the pinch and pull based on the pose. Keep it up!
Really difficult task. Almost gave up on this assignment, but glad I finished. Any feedback is welcome
Rachel Dawn Owens
Very nice! The hardest part about drawing breasts can be just not overthinking it. Learning to make them look natural takes some practice. This is good. I think you got it.
I forgot posting this one. But looking back on my assignment, I think the sternal part on the skelly is a little bit too large. And also the pecs kind of feel like jelly. Maybe I have to bulk it up a little bit?
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