Roadmap Assignment
Roadmap Assignment
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Drawing Dynamic Creatures


Roadmap Assignment


Roadmap Assignment


For this assignment,  you'll be creating creature designs from imagination, using no reference materials. 

Just like in the Roadmap lesson, you'll be creating a primarily ape-based creature with additional design elements. You could create an ape-crab hybrid, an ornithologically-inspired orangutan, or even a botanical bonobo! The possible combinations are endless.

The goal of this assignment is to create a starting point and provide something to look back on as the course progresses.

Aden Watson
I ended up throwing some more human characteristics on this Chimpanzopus. Not super happy with the face or many of the details, but he is fairly dynamic I think. I would have continued him, but I wanted to move on and learn more.
First post. Not great, but it's better than I used to be able to do when I started about two months ago.
Devon D. Yeider
Having a lot of fun already
Devon D. Yeider
Octa-gorilla I've been reading a lot of BPRD and Guy Davis 😅
Just finished my first assignment for the coarse combined monkey & yeti-crab together, had lots of fun making it from imagination can’t wait for how the rest of the coarse comes out.
Valerio Capriati
this should be a snake-monkey + something on the head like a firefly It's my first time drawing monkeys or even animals in general, but I think this is my starting point and I'm sure I'll be able to do better, I fully understand how much I am a slave to reference. my goal is to improve at drawing without reference but above all to learn to draw creatures.
Jesper Axelsson
Haha! Didn't think of that XD. Nice! Great to see you attempting different poses! Nice rhythms! I'll do my best to help you further: - I think the drawings would benefit from some stronger structure. The body flows nicely, but it feels a little unclear how it's structured. Try to think of the character as built out of a distinct set of shapes, that communicates how it's built and is able to move. So for your character you might have head & body Just like in real life, the body bends in different movements, but its mass stays the same. Having a clear idea of the shapes, helps you manage this. As a rule of thumb I think it's a good idea to be aware of every part of the character as a specific shape. So when you draw the eyes for example, you design a specific shape, that you then squash and stretch into different expressions. Same for the other stuff; brows, antennas, beard etc. Like you're building a model. However, you don't necessarily have to outline every shape in your drawing. Maybe you find that the face gets too crowded if you draw the contour of the eye shape. Maybe it looks nicer if you just outline the top. Then feel free to do that. But keep the shape in mind. Thinking of the specific shapes, will also help you become a better designer, since the shapes aren't left to luck, but designed consiously. - " my goal is to improve at drawing without reference but above all to learn to draw creatures" Cool! It would be great to hear more about your art goals. Feel free to share a few works of art by artists that you admire. Not just any artwork that you like, but specifically work that is the type that you want to create. I hope this helps :) Keep up the good work!
Salvador Gomes
Here I tried to combine a chimpanzee with a hermit crab. I added some extra elements to make it look more organic.
Devon D. Yeider
This is spectacular. Reminds me of Steve Bissette. Great job.
Nikhil Lewis
My attempt at a crocodile/gorilla. I realized drawing this I couldn’t really draw a gorilla or crocodile lol. I’ll attempt again when I finish the course
Jesper Axelsson
Hi @Nikhil Lewis, cool drawing! - You might appreciate reading this reply - I took a quick look in your course library, but couldn't see the Drawing Basics course. Don't miss out on that one! You'll learn a lot of important drawing concepts that will help you in other courses. And the drawing basics course also seems like a lot of fun :) I hope this helps :) Keep up the good work 💪😎👍 PS. the quick tip is based on this lesson How Animators Use Basic Shapes with Aaron Blaise
Polly Bates
As a sculptor, this course is completely new to me and very exciting - I will be working in a sketchbook too not digitally. I had some fun thinking this one up: a Gorilla-pede. I didn't quite know how to finish the bum as a tail didn't feel right, so it doesn't feel finished. But I imagined a walk in the woods and stumbling across this massive creature, and as you both lock eyes, you both feel humorously awkward, as if neither of you was meant to be there..
Jesper Axelsson
Haha, really funny XD. I never thought of this🤣👏👏 - It might be interesting to play with how the weight is distributed. What parts carry the most weight? Maybe section one and three. You could show this by making the limbs in this section more tense, pushing the torso up. While section two and four sag down and have relaxed limbs. This also gives the body a more dynamic rhythm. - As you might see in my paintover, you can show the pose with very simple shapes. Starting your drawings with simple shapes, just focusing on capturing the pose, before adding details, might be something you'd want to play with. I hope this helps :)
Owen Spencer
I liked the idea of trying to combine a gibbon with a plant or tree or something, working with thick vines. I didn't render it too much because I actually don't know much about gibbons. But here it is.
Jesper Axelsson
Cool! - When you draw something, consider the shapes it's built out of. This helps a lot when trying to keep the proportions and model consistent. It might be worth studying some drawings of King Louie (Paused from the 1967 Disney Jungle Book or from a drawing by the Nine Old Men, such as Milt Kahl), drawing the simple shapes he's built out of. I hope this helps :)
Kassjan (Kass) Smyczek
Combined an ape with a lion. I also tried not to use a hard round brush but keep everything loose. Done in 1h. Hyped for the course!
HAHA I love it!!! It's face is soooo cute! Sick stretch in those pecs too!
Garrett Kohls
Here's my quick stab at sketching a monkey-leopard creature. My sad attempt at remembering what a cats hind limbs look like ended up making my creature look like he has some goofy frog legs. I'm looking forward to learning about animal anatomy and working on dynamic and interesting shapes and poses.
Margareta Winny
Hey everyone and David, thank you for making this lovely course. I've always liked drawing creatures and I'd love to know how to give more dynamic or life-ness to my creature along the way. In this first assignment, since the primary animal is primate/ape, my instinct tells me to mix it with other arboreal animal, in this case two-toed sloth. Although this is not a concept class for sure, I'd love to incorporate some of the real function of each limbs and apply knowledge from your class. I did my best to draw it from imaginations after doing tooooonsss of studies haha. Really enjoy the class so far, looking forward to the next lessons!
David Colman
Great start. Just take a step back and try finding more rhythms of the infrastructure less about the contour of volumes
Jeff Arsenault
Here is my Goatrilla!
Sean Ramsey
ohhh nice! I like how natural this combination is looking. Each part of the separate animals is really coming together well and it's feeling like a creature/cryptid that you could find somewhere out in the wild. Wouldn't want to encounter it myself though haha
Eve A. Bear
here are my attempts for the first assignment. I tried different things: wasp, sloth, squirrel, chameleon. But I remembered you said it could be anything, so my mind chose a balloon baboon! hehe On the other hand, I don't remember enough the anatomy of the baboon... :) I really hope to improve the dynamic side. It's like my brain is always stuck at the static conceptual point! I think this course will help me!! Thanks @DavidColman!
Linus Lehmann
Hi @David Colman and fellow creature-students. I just purchased the course, so im a little bit late, but here are my drawings for the first assignment. Its the first online-course that im doing while its beeing released and with a lot of active students so im a bit nervous, but also very exited and ready to learn a lot. I did a mixture of a anglerfish and a gorilla (because its the ape ive studied most in the past). I had a lot of fun inventing this creature. I tried to implement some of the tips from the video and also tried to implement some things from the Drawing with live, energy and story and the "Fundamentals of Character Design"-course (wich im going through at the moment) aswell. Looking at my drawings now i notice that i didnt use any dynamic angles, only some front and side-views. That is something will try to consider next time. Tips or any kind of feedback would be very appreciated. Greetings Linus
eddie saldana
Here’s mine I did a mixed of two. The ape warrior giant weapon and fire monkey
Glen Piper
Hi David - I gave this a go but couldn't really get anywhere without reference (?) Feel like there's so much information to each animal that I couldn't possibly recall enough to even get through a sketch without knowing the subject that well... Is that kind of the point, or would you recommend just trying to push through anyway and seeing what happens? Thanks!
Devon D. Yeider
I'm no David Colman but PUSH THRU! The resistance and fear response are all apart of the process that we all go through, even Mr. Colman. I recommend listening to the Draftsman podcast episode "what's blocking your creativity". Happy drawing :)
Quentin Rouquier
Here's a try
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About instructor
Illustrator working in film as a designer and storyboard artist- known as the "animal guy" for my passion for doodling animals. insta @davidsdoodles
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