
Helped me a lot when I realized that the whole tentacle has to follow the shading too.
Sita Rabeling
Great course! Still need a lot of practice in rendering. It's fun to work from imagination. I liked it that the second drawing turned into a claw and for the arm I had a Gollum-like being in mind, with different anatomical forms.
Sita Rabeling
The second arm, although from a different example. Not content, but I liked working on it. Did not use cross-hatching (not familiar with that), but I see it is missing in the drawing.

This was a great exercise and interesting how the shadow makes the form

perhaps you should focus a bit more on shadow transitions into the light and midtones along with consistency of value ( planes of the same orientation towards the light source will generally have the same value). Otherwise this is quite a nice drawring.
Russ Parker
Russ Parker
Thanks for the class brooooo
José Ignacio Cancino Vergara
Feedback pls!
Jim Dasher
Why the two horizontal pointed protrusions on the top of the shoulder? Or, is this just you taking "artistic license"?
Nuno Da Silva
Challenging, especially since I don't have the anatomical knowledge or visual library to just make up arms from imagination. Used Bridgman as reference for the arms. Feedback appreciated.

Christian Gruber
I'd like to improve my shading. Thereby I'm trying to communicate the structure as good as I can but sometimes it all just looks messy and unreadable. I'm also struggling with reflective light. It just doesn't look the way it should. Feedback and Tipps would be highly appreciated.

My attempt at the arm shading exercise. What did I do right? How could I improve? Feedback would be appreciated.

Think it is finally making sense! Any feedback welcome
Jacob Kannel
Went through the arm exercise! Hope my shading makes sense
Matt Abery
Here is my attempt at a arm study and I like the end result of it. Any feedback on how you might improve this drawing please let me know and thanks'.
Jo Sheridan
Hi all - so I had a go at some Alien arm muscles - I am really enjoying this course as I have never really thought so carefully about how I'm shading things and I think I need it! You can hear people say - think of Gesture, then Shape, then Form, and it has never really connected with me before - but I think I'm finally starting to understand it better now - Anyway, comments welcome. Thanks Jo.
Jo Sheridan
Thanks Steven, I was thinking back to the old Terminator movies with the steel pipes connecting the head.... Just to say - I think that your course is fabulous - not too long, simple stages and for the first time I am seeing the forms I want to draw looking like they are popping out of the paper - I am doing a lot of online study at the moment and there are a lot of artists who simply demonstrate and expect you to follow what is happening and call it a course - whereas you actually explain what you are doing as you go along - you are a great teacher - thanks, Jo.
Looking good! The pattern of shapes in the neck area kinda made it take on the look of an anatomical cross section diagram from a medical book- interesting.

Nicole Lee
I completed Part 7 - Two Arm Demo and was applying the cross hatching techniques learned here to my master's study from the "Watts on Bridgman" book. I used a charcoal pencil here as this is the only tool I have with me now. I'm not sure if it's ok to post the reference photo from the book so didn't put it here. Below is the image of my finished drawing. Would love to receive critiques and feedbacks for improvement! Thank you very much!!
Just wanted to say I agree with @Bradwynn Jones proportional comment from before and that this is a very nice highly functional sketch.
Wow love it! The deltoid on the left side of image looks great with its classic flattened shape but the other deltoid looks too round and so looks too large and asymmetrical from other side. I love your cross contouring and hatching esp on the pec muscle. Also look to turn the forms more on the core shadowing in the ab area. Easy fixes. Looking good!
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Designer, Illustrator, Instructor