Jim Dasher
Seattle metro
Principal at Spectrum Graphics, a design firm established in 1985. We are located in Edmonds, WA, a suburb of Seattle, WA. • E.: rii.jed@gmail.com
Activity Feed
Polyvios Christoforos
added comment inDay 12 - Comic Poses - 12 Days of Proko
Asked for help
Here are my latest results from last 2 night’s Day 12 of 12 Days of Proko. Done from 57 seconds to 1 minute per pose. So, what do you think, @Stan Prokopenko and @Marco Bucci ? @Polyvios Christoforos
Jim Dasher
Seems like like you have zero respect for the process!
Beautiful work! • Was your intent for this to be a rather androgynous looking person?
Jim Dasher
I currently use a .5 or.7 mm mechanical pencil when drawing. Does this type of pencil limit how I should be drawing, i.e.: line quality, etc.?
It limits how much thickness you can get from a single stroke, but you can 'construct' a thicker line if you think of a line as a shape. That's actually very common. Constructing the thickness of a line allows us to think through each line slower, rather than trying to get the exact transitions from thick to thin in one perfect stroke.
If I'm honest, I really hope you team up with other high profile artists and teachers to do something to stop this. This video showed me that the developers of this technology are either lying or incredibly naïve, and given that they are charging money for these tools its probably the former.
The fact that they are selling a program that was built off the copyrighted work of innumerable independent artists and corporations is absurd. This guy basically responds to the issue of the copyrighted work in their dataset by saying it doesn't matter. That somehow, they are not responsible for the data they trawled off the web being full of stuff they had no legal permission to use. He then claims that even if they did remove it, it wouldn't change anything. But that is a lie: if they didn't need it, they wouldn't be using it. Its inexcusable, and the fact that they already did it is no reason we can't hold them accountable. Please team up with other creators to file legal action against them.
AI is going to be a big part of the future, but as Steven Zapata pointed out, we do not have to roll over an accept it being done in a way that has zero respect for the people that came before it. AI still has a long way to go before it overtakes the industry completely, so there's still time to at least try to soften the blow and make sure these people who blatantly stole from others are held accountable for it.
You've helped me so much with art, and for a few years I genuinely believed art could be my future. I believed it could be the future of so many others as well, and eagerly pointed them to your content so that we could learn and grow together. Now I am pleading with you to do what you can to stop people from stealing the work of others. You have the power to really represent a lot of artists, both big and small. Please do something.
Jim Dasher
Why the two horizontal pointed protrusions on the top of the shoulder? Or, is this just you taking "artistic license"?
Jim Dasher
Come on guys. ONLY 3 episodes? You might want to extend that, if you both have the motivation to do so.
Jim Dasher
Hi Steven:
Have you ever tried 'cordless' electric erasers! The 'set of two' I purchased, has 2 sizes of erasers you can interchange, using the provide size adapters. These erasers can be handy depending on what you're trying to accomplish. (Click on the picture to enlarge)
Jim Dasher
Spectrum Graphics
Seattle metro
I just purchased my first one, I went with Derwent. It's the best thing to happen to my drawings
Jim Dasher
Asked for help
How soon will your "Digital Illustration" course be available?
Looking forward to taking this course as soon as available!
Thank You,
Jim Dasher
Spectrum Graphics
E.: rii.jed@gmail
P.: 425.774.0170
Jim Dasher
As most always, I really enjoyed your discussion. Sometimes your 'bird walks' may get
slightly off-point, but I seem to always enjoy them anyway.
In one (or more) of your episodes, it would be interesting to see the artistic progressions and/or deviations you both have taken through out the years of you both doing your art.
Thank You,
Jim Dasher
Spectrum Graphics
Seattle metro