Examples of applying landmarks to your drawing.
YS Ryan
I did a draw along and tried it on a back reference picture from the Back Anatomy reference pack. I referenced the Watts Atelier Instructors Companion Workbook. Although the workbook shows rhythms this course helped make sense of the landmarks and why they are used.
My Draw Along and attempt with a reference to draw the landmarks of the back! I first drew the gesture then tried to identify the same landmarks as the ones Stan drew.
Giorgi Karkuzashvili
Before and alongside watching the video. After gesture course the knowledge from anatomy course will definitely improve the understanding of a human body and gesture

My first of many attempts. I am a complete beginner to figures, and found the spotting of forms pretty tough, especially around the scapula. I also had no idea how some of the forms would distort so I tried to act out the poses and take my best guess from there. Any feedback is appreciated, thanks!
Gannon Beck
My notes. Definitely a few things I need to pay more attention to when doing my daily studies.
Makoto Yasumasa
Learning landmarks is fun for me! I want to practice more. The classes of Prokopenko-san help me a lot. Thank you so much for teaching useful information!

Joseph Cicero
Here are a few of my attempts for female landmarks from the back and the draw along for the video. I had a tough time finding the deltoid and trapezius muscles since they aren't super pronounced unless flexing. Any critiques are welcome as always!
carla toms
Drawing along
First ever attempt at this. Welcome any criticism. :)
Brando Gould
I would say some of the things in this drawing are working well, you are clearly looking at the forms and trying to assess where the landmarks are, but also the work is a little messy. For example the head is not a perfect circle like you've indicated here, the scapula and soulders are a bit off. Try to watch the video again and really understand what bumps and indicators on the photograph are leading Stan to seeing the underlying structure of the scapula. Your overall proportions and gesture are not bad! I would just try to focus a little bit more on mark making, line quality and accuracy! Keep it up!

My submission for the assignment: landmarks (back)
Please give your feedback, thanks
Nice study!
John Connell
Might be attempting too much here - using both boxes AND landmarks on a new pose. It seems the boxes have more to do with the gesture and the landmarks more to do with the anatomy...true.
Brando Gould
I don't think you are taking on "too much" by placing the boxes in here. There are a lot of great reasons to find the box. But to give a little bit of my personal experience with boxes, they are only helpful when placed in the correct position. So for example, the top corners of the box representing the hips should perfectly align with the PSIS and ASIS. this can be challenging to do from a photograph, but not impossible, We can often see at least some indication of the PSIS points or ASIS points, but usually not both so we have to go on the tip and tilt of the trochanter to accurately assess the side we can not see. The bottom of the box for the hips will align with the pubis and the triangle of the sacrum can point us in the right direction. This can be challenging but a really great exercise in seeing beneath the skin and accurately finding those landmarks so that you can place those boxes in the right place. For the ribcage, you can find the 10th rib with pokes out on the left of the model on the second photograph in your reference, and you can use the manubrium (if seeing the front of the model) to judge the tilt. I don't know of an accurate way to judge the top of the box on a model from the back. potentially at the 7th cervical vertebrae?
I find these boxes super difficult to place in accurately, but what they can do is help you understand what planes of the body we are seeing.

Is anybody else sometimes annoyed by the disruptive trumpets in the backgroundmusic?

Yes 😂 - he made progress with this in the new courses tho!

angelina andreas
just followed along
Daniel Wood
Followed along with the video and did a few additional ones.

Grace Mounce
I've got a few questions about this one, and I was hoping somebody might help me clear my head. In Stan's drawing, the angle from the teres major to the elbow seems off (I pointed it out with the red line in this screenshot). I followed Stan but measured the angle differently; but I don't know if this is actually correct because it makes the guy look like he has a really long back. Is the teres major lower on the back than I think it is?
Also, Stan marks the iliac crest so it lines up with the PSIS; but in the Landmarks of the Human Body diagram that comes with this lesson, the iliac crest is a little higher than the PSIS. When I draw my own landmarks from different photos, should I line these points up like Stan does?
Please forgive my real "correcting" tone. I definitely trust Stan's knowledge of anatomy way more than I do my own! But I'm just confused about what goes where.
Thank you all!
Grace Mounce
Anna Sch
And btw your linework looks really fine! You‘re definitly on the right way.
Anna Sch
I think stans measurement was different cause he tried to exaggerate the movement/gesture of the figure. Its more an artistic choice than a perfect copy of the reference. Sometimes it makes sense to go over the actual proportions to get more asthetic results. If you follow his drawings trust the process and after that try to do it again on your own without looking at his example.
Eveline Rupenko
Here is my submission for this assigment
Brando Gould
great work!

Cade Burdett
This was my take on the back landmarks. Any feedback is appreciated!
Lynn Fang
I like the sketch very much.❤️
Chris Martin
My three attempts to follow along with Stan. Feedback always welcomed!
Here are my first couple attempts at this. I think this is a pretty challenging section.
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Founder of Proko, artist and teacher of drawing, painting, and anatomy. I try to make my lessons fun and ultra packed with information.